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The Truth behind Suspension of TeamMichaelJackson blog

November 25, 2013

It so happened that I have the privilege, responsibility and controversy of telling you why the TeamMichaelJackson website was shut down (temporarily so as I hope very much indeed).

It is a privilege and responsibility because I was entrusted with information and should be wary not to harm the admin of the site by disclosing some of its details. It is also a controversy because Taaj and I adhere to different and possibly even contrary views as to who might be standing behind the attack against her TeamMJ blog.

It is in these impossible conditions that I will still try to tell the story out of solidarity with a fellow blogger, love of freedom of speech and a great appreciation for the truth irrespective of which direction it is coming from and what shape and form it is taking. 


Right on the day of her major surgery Taaj Malik received news that her blog was suspended.

The information came from the hosting service saying that following their prior notice “the account was suspended for failure to remove the alleged infringing material within the 48 notice hours”.

The subject of the email referred to a mysterious “DMCA for copyright” and implied that the suspension was due to copyright infringement and that someone claimed that he had a copyright to the materials posted in the blog.

Here is a note on what copyright is:

  • Copyright Law in the U.S. is governed by 17 U.S.C. §§ 101-1101, commonly known as the Copyright Act, as well as DMCA standing for Digital Millennium Copyright Act which in 1998 extended the reach of copyright into the sphere of Internet.
  • Neither the Copyright law nor DMCA protect the works created by officials or employees of the U.S. Government in the course of their duties. These documents (for example, court transcripts) are not subject to copyright.  

It was a shock to learn that TeamMichaelJackson was closed due to the alleged copyright infringements as the blog contained a minimum of photos, had practically no music and presented the authors’  own views on the events and people around Michael Jackson during his lifetime and after his death.

The blog also had a lot of precious court documents and materials which are in the public domain anyway as they were generated by the US government employees and officials and cannot infringe anyone’s copyright even in principle.

So whose copyright did TeamMichaelJackson allegedly infringe then?

In the process of analyzing the matters of copyright I learned a lot of things about it which I did not know before. For example, I found that the photos of someone can infringe only the rights of photographers who own them and not of those whose images are shown – and this means that before posting another photo of Michael Jackson now each of us should first carry out an investigation on who made the photo and only then post it naming the photographer.

In case of Michael Jackson it is an almost impossible task, so over here we face the option of either giving up all MJ’s photos and shutting down the blogs full of MJ pictures or leave everything as it is  as getting rid of fan blogs would be a huge blow to Michael’s legacy in the first place.

However TeamMichaelJackson cannot be accused of even that as they used no more than one photo per page which is considered fair use and is an exception from the copyright rule, especially if it is done for the purposes of research, analysis, comment or criticism.

Actually a huge part of the TeamMichaelJackson blog was absolutely not photos, music or whatever, but the documents from the Murray trial in 2011 and court transcripts from Katherine Jackson’s case against AEG in 2013.

These documents were cherished and doted upon by many of us as it was the only source of first-hand information about the last months of Michael Jackson’s life and the only chance to analyze the testimonies of AEG’s bosses in order to learn the deep secrets of AEG’s mistreatment of Michael Jackson which those transcripts are still holding.

Remembering that TeamMichaelJackson was accused of copyright infringement a terrible thought raised my hair at this point – and what if those court transcripts were infringing someone else’s copyright?

However a little study showed that there was no reason to worry. Court transcripts are considered to be in public domain and can be absolutely no property of courts or court reporters.

The courts do charge big fees for the transcripts (no less than $3,5 per page) which is why during the trial we even pressed some money on the TeamMJ website to help them buy the transcripts, however court reporters do not own a copyright to them because they are no authors of the transcripts, do not create them and the raw facts and data they report are no subject for copyright anyway as facts and ideas are considered public property (ideas can also be stolen but this is called plagiarism and is different).

The Administrative offices of the US courts explained the whole thing in 2002 and even went as far as saying that charging money for the transcripts was not quite correct:

 In an October 22, 2002 Memorandum, the Administrative Offices of the United States Courts clarified ownership issues for court transcripts:

Transcripts of court proceedings are not original works of authorship subject to the protection of the Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. 101). Even if the transcript were a proper subject of the Act, official court reporters would not be able to seek a copyright because their transcripts are prepared as part of their official duties and thus come within the “work of the United States Government” exception. .

. . Therefore, certified transcripts filed with the clerk of court may not contain statements or seals which purport to restrict the distribution or copying of the transcript by the clerk’s office or by the public. Because transcripts filed with the clerk are public records, they may be used, reproduced and provided to attorneys, parties, and the general public without additional compensation to the court reporter, contractor, or transcriber.

Well, in civil cases courts approach private companies for transcribing the testimonies, so the money still has to be paid but the rule that court reporters do not own a copyright to their work remains unchanged even in civil court. So whatever the case is – criminal or civil – the court transcripts can never be copyrighted material.

A special article published in September 2011 said the same even in its headline “Court Reporter Transcripts Are Not Copyrighted” and closed its long analysis with a statement leaving absolutely no room for doubt:

Thus, the Court Reporter cannot own a court transcript by as defined in the federal copyright laws and regulations.

Another article said:

…court reporters are not “authors of what they transcribe and therefore cannot be copyright owners of the transcript of court proceedings”.

So court transcripts are actually public property and therefore neither court reporters nor anyone else can claim having a copyright to them.

But what makes me think that the AEG court transcripts were regarded as “copyright infringing materials” for which the TeamMichaelJackson blog had to pay a heavy price of a shutdown?

Well, I hear that there was another paper that the owner of the TeamMJ site received and it referred to something of the kind.


This paper was called a Notification (a takedown notice) and it arrived from a certain organization which claimed that it was acting on behalf of a client. This client was allegedly the one who was the “the rights owner”.

According to the notification the client claimed to be having the rights of ownership, but to what was not quite clear.  This question I won’t be able to answer as the paper is organized in such a way that it is possible only to guess what the client has rights to.

In fact the paper from the organization acting on behalf of their client (let me call it an Agent in the future) did not disclose how, why and even whether the client was claiming any infringements.

The short text simply called its client the “rights owner” in point 1, introduced itself as “the rights agent” in an even shorter point 2 and listed the laws on copyright, consumer protection, invasion of privacy, defamation and libel issues, and terms of services of the Internet Provider as their reference materials in very many other points of the same paper.

A separate point included a list of the infringed rights and these infringements also covered a broad area from copyright to defamation and human rights issues.

And one more point said which “infringing files” were requested to be taken down in connection with all of the above.

The Agent did not specify which file was infringing which law, rule or regulation, and only said that the rules were “as applicable” thus leaving us the full freedom to guess which of the rules applied to which “infringing file”.

The name of the Agent acting on behalf of the client will not be provided here for fear to break his (Agent’s) confidentiality, trademark, privacy, rights and freedoms as well as its privilege to send warning letters and threaten others with litigation. All I can say about the organization is that it is a sort of a Web Online police which is usually hired for the job of stopping music or film piracy and handling matters like defamation of character and online bullying.

In the media they call their methods “gentle” and say that their task depends on who hires them. Some artists do not allow even a single photo or video of themselves to be used without their permission (Prince, for example), while other artists are thrilled that fans are exchanging their music and photos with each other and object only to the leakage of new albums. These leakages make the artists lose the money they hoped to get for their new album, so the primary business of this online police organization is to talk to fans, appeal to their conscience and fight the leaks of the new material, while music released long ago is very often not even a concern.

In addition to fighting the leaks this London-based online police is said to be handling defamation of character cases. No one will doubt that defamation is indeed awful, however bad as it is, defamation does not fall under copyright rules and to be able to shut down the offender one needs something more that a simple takedown notice – and it is a court order.

Only a court order allows the Internet Service Provider to shut down the wrongdoer and this is why we are having so many problems with the media lying about Michael Jackson – you can’t go to court about each of the million lies they tell. I wish this online police organization took care of those defamation cases in the first place,  instead of going after MJ’s fans.

The paper received by TeamMJ had some referrals to defamation too, however it requested the Internet Service Provider to act on the basis of the DMCA and European Union Copyright directives. There was no court order mentioned in connection with defamation issues, so infringing the client’s copyright was the only reason for taking action against the blog.

In short no matter what fictional or real sins of TeamMJ the Agent enumerated in that takedown notice all of it is revolving around the alleged infringement of copyright only.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act does not deal with defamation and therefore mentioning it in a notice connected with a copyright was as a very minimum extremely inaccurate.

This made me think that the authors of the paper were either some amateurs or simply bullies whose whole idea was to intimidate and harass in the hope that we will never go to the Internet and make a couple of enquiries there.

In fact that paper had some other disturbing inaccuracies – there was no date on it and no signature. And a little further study of the subject showed that the absence of a proper signature actually made the whole paper ineffective.

A takedown notice should carry a physical or an electronic signature. [Sample of an electronic signature for delivery acceptance]

A takedown notice should carry a physical or an electronic signature, otherwise it is ineffective [Sample of an electronic signature for delivery acceptance]

Lots of sources say that the takedown notice is valid only in case it has a physical or electronic signature and both the claimant and its online police agent should have known it if they are really professional lawyers.

Here is one of the sources saying that without the proper signature the takedown notice is ineffective:

A notice is only effective if it includes:

  • A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Upon some reflection over the absence of a proper signature on that paper I began to also suspect that its authors are not only bullies, but may easily turn out to be the impostors who say that they act on behalf of a certain client but are acting on their own behalf or in the interests of a third party.

My imagination may be too vivid but it painted a picture of agent A saying that he acts on behalf of client B while all this time he is following the instructions of client C, while client B may not even know what events are developing behind his back.

What I am trying to say is that I smell here a big provocation and urge you to think twice before jumping to conclusions.


The files requested for removal theoretically could point to the likings and dislikings of the Agent’s client and by their very selection could show who the client actually is.

However I found that the files allegedly infringing the client’s rights covered almost the full content of TeamMichaelJackson blog leaving intact only some odds and ends.

The comparison of “infringing files” with the catched version of the blog content made me even wonder whether there was any logic in selecting the materials for the infringing list. Frankly, there was no logic and no specific principle of selection.

For example, some files on the AEG trial were demanded to be pulled down, while some were not.

Most of the material on the Estate was to be removed though the extensive thread on the Julein Auction where the Estate was heavily criticized was allowed to stay, same as the various anti-Sony and anti-Estate campaigns initiated or supported by TeamMJ.

On the other hand the “Boycott Sony” file was to be removed same as the so-called “the Estate lies videos” though these videos are not even included into the content of the blog as its catched version of October 10, 2013 proves it.

All materials on Murray were to be removed including MJ’s autopsy reports, though these reports are surely considered to be in public domain and can be freely accessed from other sources.

Trying to understand the logic of the complainants I took the catched version of TeamMichaelJackson blog still remaining in the Internet and (with no desire to infringe the Agent’s confidentiality and hurt his sensitive feelings) marked there the files which were requested to be removed:

Content of TeamMichaelJackson site in its 10.10.2013 version with the "infringing files" marked

The “infringing files” are marked orange in the Content of TeamMichaelJackson page in its catched version of  October 10,2013

If you analyze the result you’ll see for yourself that there is no logic in the request to take down one thing but keep the other – unless the authors wanted to use this random list in order to mask the real reason why they wanted the blog to be shut down.

The selection indeed looks like a random one and suggests that the authors of the takedown project counted on the full shutdown of the blog in case the blog owner refused (rightfully so) to remove some of its files.

This is how it actually happened – the owner was taken aback by this incredible request, did not delete anything and the Internet Service took advantage of it and shut down the blog altogether.

In my opinion the only real reason for the takedown notice are the Jackson V AEG Trial court transcripts.

All other materials have been there for a much longer time and all this exposing the Estate done by TeamMJ is nothing new for the MJ fan community. There are several other blogs which are no less vehemently critical of the Estate and surprise-surprise nothing ever happens to them, while TeamMJ has suddenly turned into the main target for attack.


If you come to think of it TeamMichaelJackson was the only blog that possessed the court transcripts from the AEG trial and in this respect was a totally unique source. So if someone wanted to get rid of TeamMJ it is logical to assume that these court transcripts are actually the only materials they were really after.

In the same way robbers break into someone’s home to get some secret document but take away the money and jewelry too in order to present it as a usual theft.

And now comes the biggest surprise of it all and it is the name of the client who allegedly approached the Agent to make a takedown notice to remove these materials as theirs and who allegedly claimed to be the “right owners” of them.

And the name is ….. Sony/ Epic/the Estate of Michael Jackson.

Well, at least this is what the Agent’s takedown notice actually says. It calls Sony/Epic/MJ Estate “the right owners” and though the notice does not directly say it,  if you put all points of the notice together it will look like the “right owners” claim copyright to the allegedly “infringing files” of TeamMJ –  including its AEG court transcripts.

So Sony/Epic/the Estate are claiming that inter alia they have a copyright to the court transcripts from the AEG trial?

Are these people in their right minds to say a thing like that?


At this point comes a big difference of opinion between Taaj and me in the way we interpret these findings.

She thinks that the Estate indeed hired the web police organization, demanded to remove the AEG materials from her site and this reveals that they are in cahoots with AEG and protect them this way.

And I think that the Estate lawyers should be complete idiots to have hired the web police organization, demand to remove the AEG materials on their behalf and this way openly declare that they are in cahoots with AEG.

I also think that it would be completely illogical for them to claim that they have a copyright to the court transcripts because absolutely no one can have a copyright to them, let alone the Estate lawyers who have not even been to the trial and have nothing to do with those transcripts.

Taaj thinks that this takedown notice is really on behalf of the Estate and gives some other reasons for assuming it. Two years ago, in April 2011 she had a similar experience with the Estate – at that time they wanted to close her blog on the pretext that her domain name sounded similar to their own online MJ team service and her blog was collecting donations for acquiring transcripts from the Murray trial. This was called the commercial use of the blog, however the National Arbitration Forum did not agree with it and the blog was allowed to carry on.

I see her point and agree that theoretically the Estate could apply the same method again and claim that TeamMJ was involved in unauthorized collection of money and their request (if it was theirs) to pull down the AEG transcripts could be just a stupid way of fighting “commercialization” – stupid because of being done at the expense of everyone thinking that they are protecting AEG.

However a counter argument to this idea is that the current Agent’s takedown notice does not specify collection of money as one of TeamMJ’s sins though it finds fault with them in everything else.

All this takedown notice is stating is a crazy claim of ‘copyright’ to the materials which are none of Sony/Estate’s ownership and some defamation issues which can be in no way connected with a copyright infringement claim.

And we do not even know whether this takedown notice was really made on their behalf as it does not carry a physical or electronic signature of the Agent though it absolutely should.

In short things don’t add up, and all of it looks like an intricate provocation arranged by some third party with the idea to bring extreme confusion into people’s minds, turn some against the other, possibly compromise the Estate and do all of it at the expense of TeamMichaelJackson who is indeed a very likely victim due to their long history of feud.

The easiest way to arrange a provocation is to muddy waters in the atmosphere of extreme secrecy sending everyone to make wild guesses about what’s going on, and this is why there was so much focus in the Agent’s paper on confidentiality issues. They warned Taaj not to say anything to anyone under the threat of breaking confidentiality – the confidentiality of the Agent this time.

I’ve been to the Agent’s site and it does not say a single thing about the confidentiality rules under which they are allegedly working. In fact the site is totally empty and provides no information whatsoever.

They also say that their takedown paper is their copyright and cannot be disclosed. However copyright rules do allow relating facts by means of paraphrasing, and this is the loophole I’m using to be able to tell you this incredible story.

In my opinion the most frightening thing for bullies is openness and publicity, and transparency is the only real defense against all these behind-the-scenes games and provocations.


Though the Agent’s paper was unsigned it was evidently regarded by the Internet Service Providers as a valid takedown notice, so following the DMCA standard procedure they suspended the TeamMJ blog together with Taaj’s respective Youtube account.

At this point it will be interesting to learn how the standard DMCA procedure for taking down and putting back a blog or Youtube account works. In very simple terms it has been explained by Wikipedia:

1.     Alice puts a video with copy of Bob’s song on her YouTube.

2.     Bob, searching the Internet, finds Alice’s copy.

3.     Charlie, Bob’s lawyer, sends a letter to YouTube’s designated agent (registered with the Copyright office) including:

1.    contact information

2.    the name of the song that was copied

3.    the address of the copied song

4.    a statement that he has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

5.    a statement that the information in the notification is accurate

6.    a statement that, under penalty of perjury, Charlie is authorized to act for the copyright holder

7.    his signature

4.     YouTube takes the video down.

5.     YouTube tells Alice that they have taken the video down.

6.     Alice now has the option of sending a counter-notice to YouTube, if she feels the video was taken down unfairly. The notice includes

1.    contact information

2.    identification of the removed video

3.    a statement under penalty of perjury that Alice has a good faith belief the material was mistakenly taken down

4.    a statement consenting to the jurisdiction of Alice’s local US Federal District Court, or, if outside the US, to a US Federal District Court in any jurisdiction in which YouTube is found.

5.    her signature

7.     If Alice does file a valid counter-notice, YouTube notifies Bob, then waits 10-14 business days for a lawsuit to be filed by Bob.

8.     If Bob does not file a lawsuit, then YouTube may put the material back up.

Let me point out a couple of  things in the described procedure.

The first one we already know of.  When applying to the Agent the claimant (allegedly Sony-Epic-the Estate) was to make a statement under penalty of perjury that they were the copyright holder (of AEG court transcripts!). Their Agent was also to state in the takedown notice that he was authorized to act on behalf of the client as a “copyright holder” of the materials requested for removal. The Agent did state it in his paper, but since his physical or electronic signature was missing on the notice, the validity of his statement is evidently nil.

The second point attracting our attention is that the alleged infringer of someone’s copyright has the option to make a counter-notice to the Internet Service Provider, who in his turn will inform the claimant (the Agent and his client) about it and the claimant has 10-14 business days for filing a lawsuit against the alleged infringer.

Taaj has made such a counter notice despite her post-surgery condition (her courage and willpower are totally amazing) and if the claimant is indeed Sony/Epic/the Estate we will know it as they are supposed to file a lawsuit against the poor her.

Among other things they will also be supposed to prove that they can claim a copyright to the infringing files they wanted to be removed and though I am very sorry that Taaj will have to go through this I would still like to see how Sony/Epic/the Estate (or whoever the claimant is) will prove their rights to the AEG court transcripts.

The last point of the DMCA takedown/putback procedure says that if there is no lawsuit within 10-14 business days the Internet Service Provider is to put the blog back.

In fact Wiki says that it may put the blog back, so there are evidently other circles of inferno which the poor blogger has to go through in order to return to herself the right of freedom of speech declared in her country’s foundation documents…

Numerous sources say that at least 60% takedown notices like the one filed by our Agent are flawed and some even say that though contact information of the claimant or Agent may be real (it is a requirement of DMCA that all information be factually correct, else it invokes perjury), it is still entirely possible for the information to be false, fake or incorrect.

In fact to me the whole procedure looks like a perfect tool for getting rid of competitors and compromising others, because the Internet Service Provider is not obliged to check up the veracity of the copyright infringement claim, is supposed to act upon first notice and it is solely the business of the alleged infringer to prove that he or she did no wrong.

Wikipedia explains the flaws of the system:

There is some evidence that ISPs tend to quickly take down allegedly infringing content on request by copyright holders, in situations where the content is actually non-infringing and should be preserved.[25][26]

Chilling Effects estimates that ISPs remove allegedly offending content even though approximately 60% of all takedown notices are flawed.

Notices can be flawed in several ways. Many fail to follow the requirements of the statute. Others ask for material to be taken down for reasons such as trademark infringement and defamation that are unrelated to copyright infringement.

Note:  Judging by the takedown request by ‘our’ Agent defamation is cited there too though this issue is totally unrelated to copyright infringement, and this is how we know that the notification TeamMJ is dealing with is already flawed.

Wiki continues:

There is evidence of problems with the counter-notice procedure, arising from its complexity and also because ISPs are not required to inform users of its existence. According to Chilling Effects, while Google has taken hundreds of sites out of its index because of DMCA requests, not a single person has filed a counter-notice or received a counter-notice from any other OSP [Online Service Provider].

This may result from the inherent imbalance in prerequisites for the original complaint and the counter-notice. To get content removed, copyright holder Bob need only claim a good-faith belief that neither he nor the law has authorized the use. Bob is not subject to penalties for perjury. In contrast, to get access to content re-enabled, Alice must claim a good faith belief under penalty of perjury that the material was mistakenly taken down. This allows for copyright holders to send out take-down notices without incurring much liability; to get the sites back up, the recipients might need to expend considerably more resources. Section 512(f) makes the sender of an invalid claim liable for the damages resulting from the content’s improper removal, including legal fees, but that remedy is not always practical.

Furthermore, ISP’s tend to remove allegedly offending material immediately, while there is a 10-14 day delay before the ISP re-enables access in response to a counter-notice. For example, if a website advertised an upcoming labor protest outside BlameCo, BlameCo could send a DMCA notice to the site’s ISP alleging copyright infringement of their name or logo a week before the protest. The site would then be disabled; even if the site’s owners immediately filed a counter-notice, access would not be re-enabled until after the protest, too late to be useful.

ISP’s may also disregard counter-notices. Section 512(g) of the DMCA shields an ISP from liability to its customer for a DMCA takedown, if the ISP restores removed content following a counter-notice. In practice, however, an ISP may disregard the counter-notice, and instead rely on its own terms of service to shield itself from liability to its customer. For example, since April 2013, YouTube refuses to restore some counter-noticed content, citing an agreement YouTube made with third-party music content owners.[27][28]

Additionally, there is no public record of takedown requests and counter-notices. This prevents the public from seeing how the process is used. (Chilling Effects has tried to make up for this shortcoming, but, so far, few OSPs besides Google submit their takedown notices.)

In short we are only at the beginning of the road and there is still much more to do and sort out. However Taaj and I did feel the need to inform everyone of what happened to TeamMichaelJackson in the hope that it will help her case and will enable us to eventually learn the truth.

Both of us want to know who is standing behind the attack against her blog and whether the Estate is indeed protecting AEG or whether it is a huge provocation against the Estate in the first place, and this is why we have joined our efforts.

Please copy this information and take it further because I am absolutely not sure that tomorrow this blog will still be alive and will not be accused of something similar too.


Fortunately all transcripts from TeamMichaelJackson can still be found on scribd:

95 Comments leave one →
  1. March 25, 2014 10:23 am

    Fight for it, I know it’s a signal that we must continue fighting for it. It’s a honor to fight too, my site and my facebook page is not ready yet but when I finish here, I will post it right away. I’m Christian then, I know that Michael fought for a better world, fought for the Christ teachings, love each other, love your neighbor, and about faith, and I know for certain, that he is innocent. Let’s fight together, I believe that the end of days is near, Michael is gone, I believe he lives in a better place now, we will go too one day. But first we fight like he did. Even as Jesus did too. Jesus saved our lives, and taught us how to become Sons of God, like Michael did and passed on this teaching.


  2. March 19, 2014 11:44 pm

    Its looks to me like this is an EXTREME case of Harassment. I wish Taaj had some recourse to sue or Counter sue for that, and Infringing upon her constitutional right to freedom of speech and sharing information that is valid, truthful, provable and known.

    I Despise that The Estate, or agents on their behalf are getting away with this, They should be served a STOP and DESIST order. Then if Taaj or anyone Does in fact infringe on owed copyrighted material belonging to the Estate.. They should simply file legal papers with the proof that they own such material. I’ve no doubt it would be removed.

    But their should be a LAW against such false claims and Harassment.


  3. michaelpuresoul permalink
    March 19, 2014 9:47 pm

    Huge conspiracy against the website and I’m sure it’s all started with the Estate supporters and their bullies. They keep bothering Branca to shut her site down. Why don’t they go after the lying media and the people using Michael’s autopsy to make money off, creating and misinforming the public with lies?!


  4. March 18, 2014 6:41 pm

    They filed multiple claims with our previous host in January also at which point we changed hosting company.


  5. March 18, 2014 6:39 pm

    Web Sheriff have had the site shut down AGAIN, this time for “trademark” we have filed a counterclaim. The estate or Sony has to initiate a lawsuit within 10 to 14 days, if they don’t the site will be live, as on previous occasionals.


  6. December 21, 2013 5:43 am

    “If the WS people “would be more-than-happy to meet with you”, wouldn’t that be a chance to get more information?” – Susannerb

    Great idea, Susannerb. I don’t know how Taaj will look at it but I would surely regard it as a possibility to do further research and get from them as much as it is only possible. Ask THEM questions and ask THEM for the proof of what they are claiming.

    But not to be done alone of course – accompanied by someone who will be able to protect her in case these people turn nasty. Or look at it from aside and make a call to the police in case of necessity. And in some public place too. In short it could be quite fun.

    P.S. On second thought I think it could be too risky, so it is probably better not to.


  7. December 21, 2013 5:15 am

    That’s good news, I am also very happy that your site is back, Taaj. Congratulations!
    But I agree with Helena that we shouldn’t claim something we have no real proof for. There are definitely more possibilities who could be behind an action like that.
    If the WS people “would be more-than-happy to meet with you”, wouldn’t that be a chance to get more information?


  8. December 21, 2013 2:51 am

    “Still no reply from Branca or his team, in the past they have replied to me within days. This comment from an email from Web Sheriff further confirms Branca IS behind this latest attack “we would be more-than-happy to meet with you in order to discuss the potential settlement of the very extensive claims that our clients’ / principals’ currently and historically have against you in relation to your infringements and activities etc” – teammichaeljackson

    Taaj, the Estate may have had a past “history” with you and your blog, but in this case what Web Sheriff is saying is proof of nothing.

    What they essentially said is “remember that you had problems with the Estate? Now we are acting on their behalf again and want you to pull down the AEG transcripts as Sony/Epic/the Estate are the copyright holders of them”.

    But this is CRAZY if you come to think of it. Especially when there is no proof that the Estate ever approached them in this respect – no signatures, no nothing.

    Provocations are made in exactly this way. If X wants to damage Y they usually don’t do it openly, but by someone’s else hands, so the best way for them is to shift all the blame to a third party – for example Z.

    They simply say that they are acting on their behalf though this Z may not even know about it. All provocations are made that way as it helps to do away with both parties at once. Killing two birds with one stone. It channels people’s anger in the wrong direction and both Y and Z are done away with while the real culprit is enjoying all the fruit of it.

    My many years of trying to sort out his nasty business around Michael Jackson have shown that the people we are dealing with do not take simple and straightforward decisions – there are devilishly cunning. So don’t jump to conclusions and try to be more cautious PLEASE.

    It is a really devilish game and if the innocent party suffers it will be a shame.


  9. December 21, 2013 2:32 am

    Thank you so much for all your help. Still no reply from Branca or his team, in the past they have replied to me within days. This comment from an email from Web Sheriff further confirms Branca IS behind this latest attack

    “we would be more-than-happy to meet with you in order to discuss the potential settlement of the very extensive claims that our clients’ / principals’ currently and historically have against you in relation to your infringements and activities etc”

    There is no history with Sony or Epic and but there is with Branca which was handled by National Arbitration Forum

    And this from Sony New York

    Just want to point out Estate also filed bogus claims against another fan, details here


  10. December 21, 2013 2:31 am

    Helen our site is back up

    Taaj, I’m SO HAPPY to hear about it! Congratulations to you from the deep of my heart!

    It also relieves me of my suspicions of the Estate. No one filed a suit against you and there is no reason to believe that the Estate had anything to do with it. It could have been a massive provocation meant to deal with several players all at once – at least this is the way it looks to me. This Web Sheriff could be hired by anyone.

    Oh dear, it is a Christmas present indeed. Merry Christmas to you and everyone!


  11. December 21, 2013 2:15 am

    Helen our site is back up


  12. susannerb permalink
    December 8, 2013 5:18 am

    Nina Hamilton: MJJC is not unavailable, they just created a new look.


  13. December 6, 2013 5:44 pm

    I am puzzled, but no-one has mentioned that MJJC is also unavailable now. That’s the Michael Joseph Jackson Community site.


  14. dee permalink
    December 2, 2013 11:02 pm

    I’m sorry but Taaj has done more to sully Michaels name than any other “fan”. Her constant paranoia about Branca and her interference in getting the Heal the World foundation up and running again is actively hurting Michael’s brand.

    I am surprised her blog stayed up as long as it has.

    One thing is for sure, Michael would have nothing to do with a person like Taaj who spews hate in the name of love.


  15. December 2, 2013 6:24 pm

    Just giving everyone an update…….
    I heard from my hosting company who have informed me they are “looking into” the counter claim i filed.

    I also wrote to MJ Online Team to ask them if “Web Sheriff” is working on the Estates instructions, for some reason they have not responded, so today i wrote directly to John Branca.

    Will update you all when i hear something, anything.



  16. December 1, 2013 10:59 am

    Glad to see you!
    And.. again I must to tell you: I appreciate your modesty. I love you, Helena!
    Helena, I appreciate you exactly how I perceive you. I’ve always been attracted to special people. And you, Michael and all his fans are very special people. In this life nothing is accidental. Everyone who resembles gather. Unfortunately it’s all about subjectivity reception which processes information taken and filtered through own structure personality of each of us. We are all trying to fight the forces of evil in our telling the truth. I like you, Helena I am convinced that the fight for the truth will win as soon as small spot of dark which overshadows Michael’s total light. Michael is the light of the world, of our lives and these people like Bashir, Murray, Wade Rob … and all those like them (devils)… will not fail with intrigues woven them, they will remain in the dark forever. It is true that it requires a tremendous job with a pure thought and great strength, purity real character like yours and others. It is a huge work of an real competence and much courage. I support your campaign and all of our other brothers of over the world which giving a helping hand with everything they can for Michael. We, all supporters of all forms of struggle continue fighting with pure weapons (honesty, humility, love) and constitute the great and noble family of Michael from around the world. And we know very clearly that we are pretty much can’t be annihilated by the force of darkness because we are the light, the light that annihilates completely and suddenly darkness. We should have strong faith in God. I pray to God to endure our prayers and blessings will be upon us all people of this earth. My contribution is minimal (to pray) but I feel to pray with all my heart for unifying the light’s Michael in the brains of those dark minded, Hatred in their soul. God’s blessing on us all, good and bad. L.O.V.E & PEACE


  17. Nan permalink
    November 30, 2013 11:49 pm

    Tatum Marie,,yes i agree,to me , if anyone was on a power trip , it was Murray , not MJ..He seemed powerless , given the grip’ all these people had, and I think Murray sensed it and that is why, his alliance, completely switched, over to AEG imo..follow the money
    Now that he has been exposed and convicted , the only way he can still have any power , imo , is through the tabloid media, same as Wade, same as others.
    They dont like court because things are out in the open , and they know people lap this stuff up , like thirsty dogs..
    So that , imo , serves their egos and makes them feel powerful.., possibly wealthy….as long as stay in the tabloids…so I dont see Murray or anybody else showing up to help Wade retire..I think it is like saber rattling.
    IF Wades assertions end up in court , I would happily get on a plane and drive any of MJ tabloid detractors to court , i wouldnt want his kids to go through this stuff, but he would prevail , just like every other time, same as some the rest of the broke fame whore dragged him into court. , and then he was completely cleared..
    I dont think , with social media and twitter, they can not help but put what is in court out..
    Atleast I hope so…
    I thought we had fair coverage from tweets from AP and local stations as well as the team of mjj , who took time to transcribe , although from other people that I respect, I sure wish she had left it at that , without commentary of estate supporters..

    I dont live in Ca , dont know the individuals different sides etc..that is just my opinion
    but I am always open to a debate..could be someplace in the middle.
    come to think of it…I dont want to debate that ….I want to stick with MJ and his kids and his legacy…gets people too angry.

    If wade cant get to court and comes with “his truth” we will just have to deal with it.
    But from what I see, his accusations fell flat and he is sitting in Hawaii posting pictures of his toes on his page from what I hear.


  18. Tatum Marie permalink
    November 30, 2013 11:13 pm

    I doubt he killed him on purpose, but I think that, is one of the reasons, he would walk away and leave him on a drip – Nan

    My point exactly, not to mention the man is completely delusional.


  19. November 30, 2013 10:19 pm

    Hi Helena,

    I watched the 60 minutes Australia show on Conrad Murray which was aired despite all the protests by MJ fans. The doctor comes across as outright creepy. When the anchor Liz Hayes asked Murray if MJ was a pedophile- the doctor just kept staring at her face with no response for a good 15 seconds, just to build up suspense and then said he will not answer that question now. And now it is being said that he might even testify in Wade Robson’s case! Please see link .It seems to me that Murray knows too well the absurdity of trying to get back to his profession and so is lapping up every opportunity to make money for himself. He is creating this image of knowing Michael’s secrets’ ( we are all so tried of it now) and wants to retain the media’s interest in his ‘stories’ so that he could earn some quick buck, without doing any work at all. MJ sells like no one else and like so many others of his flock, Murray wants to use MJ – yet again. He also seems to be making statements about MJ which act like teasers and which might lead many to buy his book to know ‘the full story’. But to perceptive minds, Murray is only ending up exposing his vile self in the course of these interviews.


  20. Nan permalink
    November 30, 2013 8:46 pm

    i think Murray had a huge resentment to MJ also.I doubt he killed him on purpose, but I think that, is one of the reasons, he would walk away and leave him on a drip.
    Almost a control issue.Who was really in charge ,.
    This is the guy that cared more about the police possible having to break into his car and mar it , then his dead patient, when he was being interviewed by police.
    Told people at the hospital he had to leave because he was hungry etc.
    Got out there with his youtube video saying he told the truth, when it was complete BS with a fake sincere smile on his face and a reassuring tone for his patients he had just recently dumped , for MJ ,

    He is a narcissist..huge ego.
    Everytime MJ is admired in death , I think it eats away at his ego alittle more.
    Interjects himself into MJ daughters life by leaving messages , from a jail cell….it is sick
    He wants to make sure no one admires MJ , paints him as the tragic loser , and that he is the one who should be admired.
    Im thinking back to when he was taking private planes and had security and photo ops of him saving someone on a plane and all the rest before his trial.
    Seemed to me, someone wanted Murray to feel very secure and comfortable, like someone had his back and indeed after mj death there were some emails that Randy Philips were involved in , hoping to somehow clear Murray of the blame., like the team players they all were.
    Trial is over, he served his time, AEG is off the hook..Somehow I dont think they care what he says about them because they canned Randy Phillips who was the person doing the talking to Murray and distanced themselves, from both Murray and Phillips imo.
    Now he has no practice, no friends in high places , he is despised , no career.
    I really dont think he blames AEG, because his resentment for having to treat and attend to MJ , when he preferred just bragging about it and trying to cash in , is just too strong.
    He even resents NOT GETTING PAID for his actions..He feels he should have been, like any other doctor who lost a patient and was blameless.
    you cant really fathom what exactly is going on in his head , because he is a twisted person , who will never look at what happened from any viewpoint other than he was the victim, he lost everything and now he has to find a way tp be compensated.
    Even when Judge Pastor was reading him the riot act , he looked contemptuous .
    He will never accept responsibility

    I,also , dont think MJ was close friends or a confident with this guy.
    MJ let Bashir follow him around for 8 months and it almost destroyed his life.
    I doubt he was out there blabbing any really personal stuff regarding things that were important to him or his children, even doped up, just building a hospital and talking about hope


  21. TatumMarie permalink
    November 30, 2013 7:38 pm

    Murray didn’t just up and get diarrhea of the mouth. He’s come to the realization that he will never get his medical license back. Maliciously fabricating information allows him to make 50,000 an appearance and receive more invitations to interview. Once again, he is choosing money over
    what is right, I don’t believe he and Michael were as close as he says, Murray sounds like he may have developed a resentment and obsession. An accident, I’m starting to wonder.


  22. simba permalink
    November 30, 2013 6:21 pm

    “As for the cease and desist letter. Murray is a dispicable man and I wish we would never hear from him again. But I doubt the C&D letter has a standing because CM claims he is speaking as a ‘friend’.”

    A physician cannot not breach doctor-patient confidentiality just because he claims to be a ‘friend’. Under Federal law, Murray has the absolute requirement to not disclose ANY information about Michael Jackson, medical or otherwise. Many of the things Murray claimed in his overseas interviews were never disclosed in court, so he doesn’t even have that out.

    It’s doubtful that Michael and Murray were close – everybody who ever stood in Michael’s shadow now claims to have been his “best friend”. No way did Michael discuss Debbie Rowe, his children, or his relationship with his parents to someone who was basically “the help”.

    As to why Murray is doing all this – for the money! He’ll say and do anything for money. He took that long pause in the 60 Minutes interview because he was trying to figure out the best way to monetize the moment. If Wade Robson’s attorney thinks Murray can help his case, he must be senile.


  23. November 30, 2013 6:04 pm

    “Helena, I love, respect, appreciate you more than I can to tell you! I wish you good luck!” – Barbra

    Barbra, thank you for your great words of support, but I feel extremely humbled by your high appreciation for what I’m doing. Though trying really hard I am only human and can make mistakes as all people do, so please don’t regard what I’m saying as the final truth.

    Truth is indeed something I value most in life, but for one person to fight this myriad of lies and find the right way is an impossible task. If we pool our efforts together we still have a chance to get through these jungles, clean Michael of all dirt and shame those who keep telling lies about him.

    So clean a goal can be reached it only by clean thinking, clean words and clean deeds. Let’s keep trying and probably something good will come of it. 🙂


  24. November 30, 2013 5:38 pm

    “I personally do not need to know what drives Murray to his abject behavior and suggestive statements about Michaels so called dark sides , because there is no excuse for it”. – Sina

    Sina, do you think I want to know why Murray is behaving that way in order to find an excuse for him? Noooooooo.

    I want to know it because now that Murray is emerging with his third version of a story it is extremely important to find out why he suddenly became so insolent and in what way can we make him drown him in his own mud.

    Unfortunately I’ve lost a lot of time today as I wanted to download one video for a post about Murray, but instead downloaded some viruses and spent the whole day cleaning up. But I still hope to make a post about Murray in the near future. Not that it will be that groundbreaking but some of his lies should be exposed.


  25. Sina permalink
    November 30, 2013 3:03 pm

    ‘But we still need to know why he is behaving that way’.

    Helena I personally do not need to know what drives Murray to his abject behavior and suggestive statements about Michaels so called dark sides , because there is no excuse for it. The only thing of interest is that he acknowledges his responsibility in Michaels death and what he knows about AEG. Michael must have trusted him a lot to invite him in his home where he lived with his children and if you trust someone with your life, you probably also share private thoughts with him. CM is not the first of Michaels friends turned enemy who claim they love him, I think Michael has that quality.
    He is definitely the only one outside AEG who must know from Michaels perspective what happened between Michael and AEG, about the “intervention “ and who Michael trusted or not.
    For that reason alone some will want to shut him up and with his crazy behavior he gave them a perfect opportunity .
    I see AEG and all involved are cleaning up, trying to detach their names from that shameful time and wipe all the evidence under the rug. But too much came in the open for them to pretend it never happened. I really hope someone will write a book about Michaels involvement with AEG/Murray that ended his life.

    Wade Robson is in the same category as Murray, desperate and capable of anything. I dont see Murray helping WR but to the public his words may give WR case more credibility.
    If this was not happening so publically you would think someone was making it up.
    What I hope for is that one day Murray will honestly tell the whole story of how Michael died and what he saw and knows about AEG . He owes that to Michael for what he did to him and his family.


  26. November 30, 2013 1:43 pm

    Hello to All,
    All Michael’s supporters (fans) are and yours Helena. A very important thing is that we all share the same great thoughts, have the same goal – no lies. ALL Honesty for TRUTH! We, wholeheartedly, do not quit your job for truth, Please! We are here to support you with all the love, wishing you good health and more power to keep work! Here, I can find the correct information, intelligence and your verticality Helena, you who are a perfect copy of wisdom, of total devotion to a clean cause , just like our Giant Man Michael. I love everyone who sincerely love, respect the true King Michael, the one most precious man among the humanity on the planet. Honor always triumphs! Struggling right and winning! Fair fight and no favor of pure love always wins! Helena, I love, respect, appreciate you more than I can to tell you! I wish you good luck! I pray God to give blessing us! L.O.V.E


  27. Nan permalink
    November 30, 2013 9:26 am

    As far as WR goes, he seems a little late in the uptake..First we have him waiting to make these claims until after he loses the Vegas shows, then his lawyer, who I believe is a contract lawyer, which ,would make sense if your initial dispute was over a contract , a contract……. that Wade thought he had in place, and didnt… the same lawyer, as I understand, Quincy Jones is using ,…. makes these claims, and says he is going to go over Blanca Francia testimony…
    Why wait to read her testimony until after he makes these claims..?
    Almost makes me think Wade didnt know what she said in cross because it wasn’t reported in the news..then we dont hear any more about that testimony because
    her cross by Meserau and her sons testimony were both shot down.
    Now we have them , desperate to talk to Murray , a habitual liar, in hopes he may say something..
    We know Murray secretly recorded MJ…..Why is Wades lawyer SUPPOSEDLY contacting Murray now?
    Why not ask him about the recordings when Wade decided to bring this trash forward, over a year ago,when it was already said in open court that Murray was doping MJ up and recording him, if he truly thought MJ might mention some horrible secret?
    Instead of the only one we heard about building a hospital for sick children…
    Why wait until Murray is in a corner pissed off at the estate too, if you think you have the truth on your side?
    MJ money and celebrity bring out the most loathsome side in people ., but their attempt to get Murray on their side is absolutely transparent to me , in how credible Wades accusations are it .. no credibility., what so ever.
    If they feel the need to get a man convicted of a felony , who was blatantly guilty , but refuses to take any responsibility , whatsoever, and has been sitting in a jail cell plotting to extract revenge on his victims legacy and family , all the while shopping a book deal..I just think that hurts Wades case all the more.
    If anything , all this does , is the ususal stuff..Trying to make a case in the tabloids.
    because eveytime Murray speaks he sounds more delusional and I think if he planned on taking the stand and answering questions he would have done it for his own trial, not so Wade can retire for life..


  28. November 30, 2013 8:42 am

    “Wade Robson’s court case could draft in Murray” – newrodrigo

    Rodrigo, exactly. Why is he doing it though it is clear that even in principle he cannot know anything bad about Michael? Does he imply that Michael told him something under sedation? But we ALREADY HAVE THE RECORDING of Michael under sedation and Michael spoke there about innocent things like his dream to build a hospital for children, how it hurt him to see kids ill and he spoke about his faith in God! In fact this recording showed him the man of purest thoughts and intentions!

    Can we assume that Michael shared some “secrets” with Murray? And since when did he begin to trust someone so much as to tell him his “darkest secrets” so that this person blackmails him for the rest of his life? The very thought of it is ridiculous, not to mention the fact that “the darkest secret” never took place.

    But why is Murray doing it then? And why does he prefer to trash Michael but keep complete silence about AEG? He has a lot to say about them – for example, what Phillips told him during several of their meetings or why he and Tohme came to Michael’s house on the last day of the rehearsal. However over here he keeps total silence. WHY?

    Here is the Daily News article:

    11.29.2013, 01:00 AM
    Conrad Murray, convicted of killing Michael Jackson, may testify in $30 million lawsuit accusing King of Pop of child molestation

    The doctor convicted of killing Michael Jackson could get dragged into a $30 million court battle over whether the King of Pop was a child molester, Confidenti@l has exclusively learned.

    Choreographer Wade Robson is suing Jackson’s estate, alleging he was sexually abused by the star for almost a decade in the 1990s. Now his lawyers plan to quiz Conrad Murray — who’s in hiding after two sensational interviews last weekend in which he refused to say if he thinks Jackson was a pedophile.

    Speaking to the press for the first time since serving two years for involuntary manslaughter, Murray claimed he still speaks with Jackson beyond the grave and insists the singer’s death was an accident. But in an interview with the Aussie edition of “60 Minutes,” the doc wouldn’t address the accusations made by Robson and others.

    In an extraordinary TV moment, journo Liz Hayes asked: “Do you think he was a pedophile?”

    Conrad Murray would not say if he thought the King of Pop was a pedophile.

    Looking stressed, Murray paused for 15 seconds before dodging the topic: “I’m not prepared to answer that question, not now. And I tell you the reason why – because my interview with you is candid and honest, and I will not make up or fabricate anything.”

    But Murray — who netted an estimated $40,000 for the interview — did share some details about Jackson.

    “Michael has a huge dark shadow. Michael slept with dolls,” he said. “Is that normal? No, it’s not normal, but if you understood the history of Michael as a child and the things that he has encountered in life and you’re willing to listen, you probably wouldn’t judge him.”

    Wade Robson alleges that he was sexually abused by Jackson in the 1990s

    Murray’s claims left the Jackson family “shaking with fury,” according to a family friend, and sparked concerns for the doctor’s safety.

    “The man has no shame or remorse for anything,” the source told us. “We hope the world will see now how insane he is.”

    The doctor’s cagey statements come six months after he allegedly claimed to have “nuclear” information on Jackson that, if released, would have the “impact of an immediate seismic shock.”

    Murray said people wouldn’t judge the ‘Thriller’ singer if they ‘understood the history of Michael as a child and the things that he has encountered in life.’

    A source close to Robson told Confidenti@l that such information could make or break the case.

    “Wade wants Murray to speak to his lawyers, because if he has vital information on Michael, then it could be significant,” the source said.

    “It is obvious, the way he answered the question, he has much more to tell, and that could be dynamite for Wade’s case.”

    A rep for Robson declined to comment.

    No, Murray did not look stressed at all. He looked confident, determined and nasty – like a man in whose hands the future of Michael Jackson is. What he says, so will Michael’s future reputation will be.

    To me Murray looked like a blackmailer.

    Conrad Murray: “I loved Michael Jackson very much”. There is so much hate in these eyes…


  29. newrodrigo permalink
    November 30, 2013 8:00 am

    Wade Robson’s court case could draft in Murray


  30. November 30, 2013 7:00 am

    A little information about that cease and desist letter and Murray’s incredible behavior:

    Michael Jackson estate sends cease and desist letter ordering Conrad Murray to stop discussing King of Pop

    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2013, 1:19 PM

    Conrad Murray recently blabbed about Michael Jackson’s health in his first interviews since leaving prison.

    Estate lawyer Howard Weitzman wrote that Murray “shamefully” violated doctor-patient confidentially law when he recently blabbed about Jackson’s health in his first interviews since leaving prison.

    Murray told the UK’s Mail on Sunday that Jackson was incontinent, saying: “I held his penis every night to fit a catheter.”

    Weitzman claimed in his stern letter that Murray was Jackson’s doctor, not his friend, so all of his communications with the “Thriller” singer were presumed confidential.

    The lawyer said the expectation of privacy didn’t die with Jackson in 2009.

    He said California law states the estate is now the “authorized holder” of the privilege and will never authorize interviews.

    Conrad Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2011.

    “It is beyond ironic and cowardly that after electing not to testify before the jury that convicted you, you are not trying to publicly defend your conduct by sharing supposed conversations you had with Michael Jackson and alleged details about Mr. Jackson’s medical condition and treatment,” Weitzman said in the letter obtained by the Daily News.

    Murray, 60, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2011 and walked out of jail last month after finishing a four year prison sentence in two years due to jail overcrowding.

    “If you continue to violate the oath you took when you were a physician and persist in revealing privileged information (much of which appears fabricated) about Michael Jackson, the Estate will take all necessary and permissible legal action,” Weitzman wrote.

    Weitzman threatened a lawsuit seeking to stop a future memoir and aggressive efforts to block Murray’s attempts to regain his medical licenses in Texas and California.

    “It’s fairly obvious that this letter was written with the intent to release it to the public and intimidate Dr. Murray,” said Murray’s criminal appellate attorney Valerie Wass, who was not involved in Murray’s recent press interviews.

    “I find it absurd that the estate is making such strenuous objections, adamantly protesting comments by Dr. Murray when in fact the door to Michael Jackson’s medical history was opened widely by the Jackson family during their wrongful death lawsuit against AEG Live,” she said Thursday.

    Well, there is only one good thing about what Murray is doing – he will never regain his medical licence and will never be a ‘doctor’ again. With this type of ‘ethics’ he has never been even close to that profession. And now he has proven it to each and everyone in the world.

    But we still need to know why he is behaving that way.


  31. November 30, 2013 6:44 am

    “Often in civil trials and small claims courts a lawyer or the damaged individual will first issue a warning, cease/desist or letter of demand to resolve the problem(s) between them rather than filing a lawsuit. A letter of demand to stop defamation can be sent without a court order”- Susan Joyce

    A letter to stop defamation can be sent without a court order, but the website without this court order cannot be closed. At least this is what your laws say.


  32. November 30, 2013 6:15 am

    “The other pic is actual and you can check it in the website pointed down and with that number of case!” – FernandaCamino

    Fernanda, I didn’t understand a thing here. Where can I find this information? Here is the site of the California Appellate court: but case No. B247338 is not there.

    Also what does it mean that the Estate as a third party claimant? On whose side? On the side of those who made an appeal? (if it was made)

    Can you provide the details please?


  33. November 30, 2013 5:20 am

    “So excuse me if I am not really impressed by their letter. CM is best ignored and will also pass like all the other craziness in Michaels life.” – Sina

    Sina, I want very much to look into the Estate’s letter and what Murray is saying and why. The fact that the Estate made that cease and desist letter is very positive – hopefully they will begin demonstrating their presence at last. As to Murray I wanted to say a couple of things about him, but need time to put everything together.


  34. Sina permalink
    November 29, 2013 6:44 pm

    Helena thank you for the ins and outs of suspension and why the grounds for it probably do not apply here.
    If copyright infringement is really the issue then every single MJ blog site or forum qualifies for suspension.
    There are MJ forums and websites that even allow web advertisement on their site and are basically making money on Michaels image and other copyright protected content. Other sites have heaps of legal and medical MJ and estate related information. Then there are sites in and outside the fanbase that encourage hate speech in Michaels name and are anything but what an estate would want Michaels name associated with.
    Yet they are not suspended or even reprimanded. Every word, document or statement that was part of a court case belongs to the public domain and is accessible through media or court.
    Maybe if TMJ can prove that different standards are applied to their blog compared to others they have a chance to get their site back.

    As for the cease and desist letter. Murray is a dispicable man and I wish we would never hear from him again. But I doubt the C&D letter has a standing because CM claims he is speaking as a ‘friend’.
    Its also strange for a lawyer to call someone you want to sue for libel a coward. Michael also did not take the stand in the Arvizo case which does not make him a coward but a defendant who used his constitutional rights. Ofcourse you cannot compare a convicted criminal to a man who was falsely accused, but the statement is a bit unfortunate. Nothing that Murray said ( except for the gross fabrications ) re Michaels medical and health issues was not already made public during the criminal investigation, both trials and his autopsy report with every diseas, medication or bodymark he had in the open. Klein and other doctors frequently talked about his condition and procedures and the executors are using medical information(alledged drug addiction) in their case against Lloyds. What Murray says outside the US is not subject to US law. And last but not least, a case would only cost Michaels estate money because Murray is broke and will never be able to pay any damages. The only ones who will profit from a case are the lawyers. As sympathetic as it may sound to fans it does nothing for Michael if Murray finds a way to continue his road show.
    And I have to say , I wish the executors had been as adamant against AEG. But instead they helped them escape justice. So excuse me if I am not really impressed by their letter.
    CM is best ignored and will also pass like all the other craziness in Michaels life.


  35. November 29, 2013 5:48 pm

    “it appears to me since the Estate represents Michael Jackson, they want to restrict public access via the internet involving the Estate and MJ, after June 25, 2009. From the list of files they want removed from TMJ, each one of those requested involve MJ’s name. The CM trial was on video, so who knows if the Estate purchased or pulled the video’s also.” – Susan Joyce

    I’m sorry that I’m here today just for a moment – was busy with something else – but as regards the above I still prefer very much NOT to think that the Estate is behind this blatant attack against TeamMJ and that it’s them who want to get rid of the AEG transcripts.

    The primary reason for that is that firstly, I greatly appreciate the mammoth and incredible work they are doing to revive Michael’s finances which is the work ultimately done for MJ’s children, secondly, because I truly believe Branca to be an honest man, and thirdly, the thought that they may in any way be protecting AEG is unbearable to me.


    Not that I will not have to agree to it if we really find proof of it (I will have to), but it will be a huge, an unspeakable blow. A blow that will make it impossible for me to appreciate all the rest they are doing and will also make me doubt my ability to understand people.

    My belief in Branca is not blind. I have never met him or AEG people and know both by documents only. The documents produced by these people are their visiting cards. They give away their patterns of behavior and these patterns of behavior show that they are poles apart.

    The AEG contract is the worst and most humiliating agreement I’ve ever seen. There is not a single point in it which would be in Michael’s favor or at least neutral. Each point has a ton of advantages for AEG and not even a feather of good for Michael. There are traps, deceit and fraud there. Looking into that document was like looking into the face of evil or inferno itself. It literally raised my hair, made me cry and determined my attitude towards these people once and for all. All later events and their testimonies at the trial only confirmed it.

    But Branca’s documents are different. The letter he wrote to Koppelman at the time when he was supposedly “not working” for Michael became an incredible proof for me of his consistent defense of Michael’s interests during those negotiations. Not only did it show that Branca resumed working after February 2003, but it also showed that he didn’t harbor any ill feelings towards MJ (for that dismissal) and was still fulfilling his duties like no other. Only a true and dedicated friend is capable of that. It does not mean that Michael had reciprocal feelings towards him, but by then Michael had been deceived and betrayed so many times that he lost faith in all humankind, and the fact that Branca was still acting in Michael’s interests despite all this hostility speaks only better of him.

    Seeing so big a difference between AEG people and Branca as human beings makes me think that these people cannot be in cahoots with each other. I indeed see them as poles apart. And this is why a mere thought that the Estate may be in any way supporting AEG would be so terrible blow for me and my whole system of belief in people – if this indeed turned out to be the case.

    The Estate’s attitude towards TeamMJ is a different matter. The form of criticism they chose and often complete non-acceptance of facts speaking in favor of the Estate could make anyone infuriated and this I understand. Unfortunately their relations reached the level of something personal and evidently from both sides too. In the atmosphere of this mounting hate their attacks against the Estate in almost every article could indeed be regarded as defamation especially since I myself saw how non-constructive and distorting the picture they often were. The example is rejoicing that the Estate would probably have to pay extra $700 mln in taxes and blaming them for assessing MJ’s image too low though it is obvious why the Estate had to do it. In such circumstances the truth and real facts simply become a non-issue because hate pervades it all, and this is what makes the situation so abhorrent and senseless.

    So I can imagine why the Estate could be sick and tired of all that hate. However if they decided to close TeamMj under various pretexts it is totally wrong too. This is not a method. If they wanted to get rid of hate they only stepped it up. If they wanted justice for themselves, all they did was injustice to others and opening themselves to huge criticism for it. If they wanted to get more support all they managed to do was driving away those who used to support them before.

    I really don’t know, but the end result of it is that the Estate enjoys all the negative impression and reaction most. And I cannot believe that they were so idiotic as not to understand what the outcome of that move would be.

    And this is one of those things which makes me think that it is a huge provocation … against the Estate. The provocation done at the expense of TeamMJ who is the main victim here, while the side victim is the Estate, now matter how strange it may look to someone.

    As it is usual in these cases the side which is really interested in getting rid of those AEG transcripts is staying absolutely in the shadow. As usual they have nothing to do with it. As usual no one looks in their direction and no one realizes that they are the only one interested in having those transcripts gone.

    The Estate wins absolutely nothing if the transcripts are removed because they are hardly mentioned in them at all, so why they should insist on their removal and at huge publicity risks for themselves too, remains unclear – unless they want to openly declare to the whole world that they are protecting AEG, which in my opinion would be complete suicide.

    And since MJJJusticeproject has been mentioned here, what I noticed when I went to their site is that there is not a single text about AEG there either (at least I have not been able to find any – sorry if I missed it).

    Why is it always happening this way – all negative attention goes to the Estate and none of it ever goes to AEG?


  36. November 29, 2013 2:22 pm

    Helena –
    “The short text simply called its client the “rights owner” in point 1, introduced itself as “the rights agent” in an even shorter point 2 and listed the laws on copyright, consumer protection, invasion of privacy, defamation and libel issues, and terms of services of the Internet Provider as their reference materials in very many other points of the same paper. – Helena

    I stand behind my statement of Nov. 28, 4:51pm. Often in civil trials and small claims courts a lawyer or the damaged individual will first issue a warning, cease/desist or letter of demand to resolve the problem(s) between them rather than filing a lawsuit. A letter of demand to stop defamation can be sent without a court order. Example: Janet Jackson’s attorney sending a letter to TMZ media to cease/desist TMZ from further coverage of Janet slapping Paris Jackson when KJ was supposedly kidnapped. If TMZ didn’t stop immediately, Janet would file a lawsuit. Example: The cease/desist letter by Weitzman warning Murray to shut up or legal action will be pursued. Even though the DMCA covers copyright only, the take-down notice did document the other laws per your statement.

    If anything was confusing on the take-down notice, the agent should have been called immediately to verify they sent it and questioned to eliminate any confusion of what exact action was required.

    If I could give you my opinion regarding your question: ”What I wonder about is this – why was the information on the Estate to stay (at least some of it) and the AEG transcripts were to be removed?” Helena, it appears to me since the Estate represents Michael Jackson, they want to restrict public access via the internet involving the Estate and MJ, after June 25, 2009. From the list of files they want removed from TMJ, each one of those requested involve MJ’s name. The CM trial was on video, so who knows if the Estate purchased or pulled the video’s also.


  37. November 29, 2013 2:20 pm

    Two opposing groups attacking, defending and rehashing old news. In summary it comes off as “It’s okay for me to say negative things, but not you.” Life is short. Enjoy it while you have it.


  38. Peace permalink
    November 29, 2013 8:35 am

    Dearest Lord, I ask that you give us peace a clear mind and an open heart. With that being said I thank you Helena for the this blog on TMJ, those of us that know the site well know that it has been a site with true and accurate information regarding the death of Michael and those that worked in collusion to bring about the tragic day. The objective to take take down the site and corresponding YouTube channel is for the suppression of information. If you love Michael and are invested in the truth of what happened to him coming to the light of day. Team Michael Jackson is a perfect place to research and educate yourself and has been so, for many years. VindicateMJ has also provided this community with the same opportunity. Should it matter whether you like either of the site founders??? Is Michael not the true reason why we are all here???

    After reading the comments on this blog, it became ever more clearer as to just how twisted things have become in our community. I’ve worn extremely tired of seeing Mary Abass everywhere that Taaj Malik is. This blog has nothing to do with her petty self imposed rivalry with Team Michael Jackson and its founder and yet she has come and presented her gripes here. The blog was created to spread awareness…. There are literally tens upon tens of thousands probably more that view Team Michael Jackson daily and those fans that support Taaj and her site are OWED an answer as to why…they no longer have a place to get updated on Justice for Michael. Taaj’s site has provided hope and comfort for all of us that has come to rely on and love it. It felt really good to know someone and something was being done about us all losing Michael. We weren’t able to rely on the authorities, as they have so plainly swept things under the rug. We were not able to rely on the media as we know…. historically how they present the agendas of their bosses and have a fancy to character assassinate Michael. We could not rely on the estate to seek justice, protect Michael’s honor or his family that he holds so dearly. We’ve seen what Branca and Co have done to Michael and his family since taking over. And they have made it clear that money and Michael’s name to continually generate money, is what they care about utmost and foremost. Team Michael Jackson has provided proof of all of which I have mentioned and therefore has become a danger to the status quo. You must always remember that a man has been killed and several billions of dollars stolen and the people involved will do anything for that to remain a secret and to stay in power. It is the very reason that Michael himself has been murdered.

    I’ve gone here as this is NOT A GAME!!!! and take it extremely personal that Michael’s life and the loss of it… has been used in this community in such a way. The man is dead and we are heart broken, hundreds of millions of people have a break in their hearts that can never be repaired…Michael loved these millions, they were important to him, he understood that we are all one. Hundreds of thousands of them are in this community, most of them silent observers, most of them quietly reading and relying on updates form the various groups an sites and bloggers. This has become a way in which to stay connected to Michael thru these updates and the sharing of information. This coincides with his music, and how is image is used. Michael left his legacy in the hands of his fans…those that are highly visible in this community has a very rare opportunity to be the keeper of his his legacy. Once its written, it out there forever… Everyday we create our history, he sang this because we do…

    That being said, do you feel good about spreading hate Mary, in MJ’s name? Your site “justice project” claims to want nothing but justice for MJ, how is this justice that you seek? You are bringing harm to Michael by doing this, you are helping the people (the estate) that you support suppress vital information about the truth, dist6ract the minds that seek the truth, character assassinate and slander…. which has a great impact on the vulnerable hearts and minds of an already saddened group of people. I am one of them Mary, if you care to know… Many like have left this community, WE DIDN’T LEAVE MICHAEL, we left this community as it has been dirtied with fights, fights that you have created and solicited other to be a part of. I for one have become physically ill because of it. I have cried because of this hate and the nasty things that you say and that your group has said. You have talked about Michael;s mother and supported and re-tweeted others who have done the same. A mother who has lost her child and watched him be encased in cement…watched his lifeless body in a morgue and flown thru the skies in a sheet. A Mother who has had everything that her child has created… ripped away and lives with the daily threat of his offspring which are the last pieces of his heart…being taken away. You have called her greedy, you have supported people that have called her whores, you have presented arguments to sway this community against her courageous case placed against AEG. Your project has very little to do with justice if any at all. You have called Michael’s big brother pedophile… the accusation THAT HURT MICHAEL THE MOST… how could you Mary be so blinded by hate and insensitive to use that accusation of all things against his brother, whom he loved dearly. How could you speak of his mother and his family in such a way how Mary is this seeking justice for Michael. They are him, he is them..they share the same DNA, he LOVES them, how can you hate that which he came from and claim to love him. How are you providing justice for Michael by bring injustice to his family.

    You attacks on Taaj and her site are further damaging his legacy and keeping the injustices against Michael and his family alive. You are not here for justice, your action have proven that and with each passing day its becoming clearer to those with open eyes. Tis blog is about preserving justice, this blog is about showing the public the agenda of those that have destroyed Michael life and that of his families and how they will do anything to keep even you Mary form knowing the truth. You have come in here and pulled the topic to yourself and your hateful spirit. People instead of discussing what can be done to raise further awareness about what has happened to Team Michael Jackson and how we can assist her. We are sifting thru your darkness to let ligfht back in the room. You have gone after everything and everyone that has done nothing but show love for Michael and his family , that are tirelessly seeking justice for him, that are dissipate the lies about his life and how it came to end. Mary my goodness thinking about you now is making me ill. Its making my heart and head hurt, the evil that you omit is damaging.

    You are hurting people, do you even care? There are people that love Team Michael Jackson and rely on them, like truly need them around and Taaj has helped them in their time of mourning, people are sick over Michael’s death and what happening to his kids and his family. People love Taaj and believe in her with all their heart and your lies are making some question, those that don’t know her up close and personal.. Do you know what that does to a person, to feel bamboozled and led astray. To question themselves and their own beliefs, their judgement on a person or situation…you are creating psychological damage. Those hate blogs that you keep creating about Taaj doesn’t just affect Taaj it affects all that love her, all that believe in her work and her friendship and…. Michael. There are young people here in this community, people who are not native to this country or the English language. People that have never come this close to anything Michael and if they stumble upon your hate and your many hate blogs first…this is the impression of Michael and his advocates and his family and his life that they get. For that you are so wrong, smh. You can potentially disillusion a growing mind. Don’t you understand what this hate is doing and what its costing people. Your own mind is practically gone and you are too blinded by hate to see it.

    Some may think my words are too serious and I’m OK with that…. However, some don’t take this serious enough. There is a reason why PR companies are big business and make hundreds of millions of dollars. John Branca used one of the biggest PR companies to try and clean up his well know dirty image. There is a reasons for slander laws thru defamation of character and cease and desist orders. Good press and whats seen as bad press. There is a reason why Ad companies’ use of psychological think tanks for product placement. Every word image and sound shape your outlook of yourself and others. Michael knew this very well and was always so conscious what he gave to the world, how he treated her, how he spoke to her, what he allowed his kids to ingest from her. Whether we like it or not we have a responsibility to our fellow brother and sister. That is thru our actions and our words, we are one moving unit.

    People sensitive to all of this has left this community as they do not want their minds and hearts infected. This is not about Michael anymore, its become about personal vendettas and we are not here for that. You are abusive Mary and you need to seek help.

    Helena thank you for your blogs and the blog on Team Michael Jackson. Taaj Thank You so Much for everything that you have done and will continually do. Thank you for your time efforts love and dedication… And know that love (I know you know) is the most powerful force in existence and Team Michael Jackson your child and labor of love… will return more powerful than ever. You will always have my support and the support of others… leaving the community will never change that.


  39. Tinkerbell2009 permalink
    November 29, 2013 4:27 am

    working link here

    Text here..


    Recently a tweet and blog was posted throwing stones at Cadeflaw for NOT intervening in a power struggle. Let me just say that we are NOT here to engage in a “Turf War” but to defend and protect the “Legacy” of the DECEASED; offer support to children and to support those who are TRULY doing something to make a POSITIVE change. WE do NOT support chaos or become entangled in girl fights. WE also do NOT turn against other people because a certain group of people do NOT like them. Those are personal decisions, that has nothing to do with our cause. The persons who decide to engage in “Personal Combat” are LIVING and do not need our assistance or an intervention. We are NOT the Internet Police.

    WE have viewed many Facebook posts and tweets, most in HORROR, that were heart-breaking. Mrs. Jackson has been called all kind of B*****s, W****s, Greedy and one blogger even went as far as to invite Mrs. Jackson to “kiss her ass”, etc. You name it and she has been called it, everything but the kind and precious person she is. As much as we wanted to intervene we stayed our distance and supported her in our own way. After all, people have the right to voice/post their opinions, no matter how much we may disagree with many of them. WE Did not see any, of those throwing stones, come to her rescue or demand that she not be disrespected, yet many of these persons claim LOVE for her son. We can’t have it both ways. How can one HATE the very person Michael loved and respected so much? Beats me- but okay, it’s your choice.

    A somewhat RESPECTED person in the MJ Community created a blog about me accusing me of being a thief, a scammer, made fun of my education, etc. Oh she really put me out there something terrible. Not ONCE did I see any of YOU come to my rescue. In fact, the blog had existed for over a year before it was brought to my attention. Did I whine to the community about it? NO I DID NOT. I contacted the persons whose names were mentioned in the blog and the proper persons in authority. I didn’t create a HATE campaign against this person, but kept working in a positive manner.

    WE have been attacked for supporting the “Affidavit against Thomas Sneddon ” or should I say really for supporting William Wagener, some accusing him of being a scamme,r using that to convince MANY in the fanbase NOT to support his cause. What about the smear campaign against Mr. Mesereau to turn the fans against him, calling him a “Media Whore”? And let’s not forget the quiet campaign to stop people from supporting the Cadeflaw Initiative. WE never said a word but kept right on working. WHY? Because “I” didn’t want to make any waves. I thought if we just stayed quiet and kept to our work, trying to remain peaceful, things would work themselves out. I was AFRAID we’d lose support of the MJ Community. WAS that funny and was I naive? That, my people, is called being a COWARD. One thing for sure you can’t be a coward and expect to stay a part of the “MJ Community”. If you don’t speak up you will get ripped to shreds. Time out for keeping quiet. You can’t lose what you NEVER had and if people are afraid of those who have, as they say, over 5000 followers they won’t support you anyway. I am sick to my stomach having to deal with all this petty SHIT.

    Also, I’m almost positive the last effort I started, to support Mrs. Jackson, wasn’t received very well in the community either. Well too bad, GET OVER IT. I’ve never read any blogs that went up when people are attacking Michael’s family members. WHERE ARE THEY? I GUESS IT’S OKAY FOR THE JACKSON’S TO BE DEFAMED. MOST GET A REAL RUSH OUT OF THOSE BLOGS AND TWEETS.

    Whatever happened to getting both sides of the story before passing sentence? Instead of researching both party’s we take the word of one we LIKE. THAT is one-sided and we can’t steer the ship in any other direction.

    Many good people have left this community because of the sophisticated “Bullying Techniques used by the “Elite”, which is a shame. Some are afraid to speak up least they be OSTRACIZED. STOP using “Taaj Malik” as an excuse NOT to support the Cadeflaw Initiative. There is too much back biting and jealousy in this community and we hang our hats on words from others, too much, instead of getting to know people for ourselves.

    I will treat people with kindness as if I were dealing with myself. When any of those persons show me differently, at that time, will I cease to communicate with them.

    Do I agree with the posting of personal information, NO.? Do I agree with bullying, NO. The persons, involved, have to make a sincere effort to say STOP – NO MORE. It’s up to them. This behavior has been going on, in this community, since Michael passed away. Don’t drop this mess at our door and expect for us to clean it up.
    Has anyone ever offered a TRUE hand of fellowship instead of bringing up old mistakes from the past? WE ALL WANT TO BE LOVED. WHY CAN’T WE TRY PRAYING FOR ONE ANOTHER INSTEAD OF HATING?

    We’re ALL living in “Glass Houses” and should be afraid to “Throw Stones” and we seem to have an over-abundance of “Immature Egos” in this community. Get over yourself, PLEASE.

    FINALLY: I have work to do and will NOT take the time to reply to this posts and I certainly have more important things to do than to continue to defend myself and the Anti-Defamation Legacy Law Advocates. If you don’t want to support what we’re doing then don’t. You stop supporting a long time ago, anyway, so no love lost. I may be BLACK but I’m not stupid. Hell, I know what this is really about and that last little paragraph you added was just another “Cool” way of telling the community NOT to support Cadeflaw.

    If these women feel the need to continue these cat fights then let them. It has nothing to do with where I’m heading and I refuse to become involved in arguments where only one side has been publicized. Since some seem to have made themselves the “Internet Police” in the community have you arrested the culprits and questioned them? ONLY then can you come to a better understanding of what this is REALLY all about or more importantly, the TRUTH.


    No one in the MJGlobal community especially groups who champion the need to protect people from defamation should be giving support to anyone posting innocent baby pictures, children/spouses of other Michael Jackson fans or name & addresses of deceased relatives – to do so it to condone it- to condone it, is to show your own ethics are seriously challenged.


    MJ Brookins, CAD


  40. Mado permalink
    November 29, 2013 4:03 am

    Thank you dear Elena.I was upset reading this…waiting to see what happens next.


  41. Wendy permalink
    November 29, 2013 3:29 am

    Mostly I need to thank you, Helena for your steadfast efforts, thorough research and factual blog. You are appreciated.


  42. Wendy permalink
    November 29, 2013 2:37 am

    Talk of Ethics from one who refers to the Mother as greedy, one brother as a Pedophile, the son as a Liar, and calls for the Death of another brother on the anniversary of Michael’s murder while said brother stood outside the mausoleum at Forest Lawn. How do you spell Hypocrisy? A-b-b-a-s.

    But I do need to thank her for one thing. That day at Forest Lawn with Randy and the vicious, heartless, soulless hate she publicly spewed at him on Twitter is THE THING that specifically directed me to TeamMichaelJackson and Taaj Malik.

    So thanks Mary Abbas. Your hate speech worked to bring about the exact opposite effect from what you intended. It brought about connections of LOVE.


  43. Tinkerbell2009 permalink
    November 29, 2013 2:04 am

    How dare Mary Abbas bring darkness to this blog which she has never shown any support for yet expects support from.

    Mary Abbas who openly called a grieving mother, greedy for filing the case against AEG. Is actually perverted herself to call others it when she called Jermaine Jackson a pedophile. Calling Prince Jackson a liar the day after the date his father was murdered when the brave soul testified.

    Our hearts stopped for a moment, commending how brave this young man was against fierce AEG lawyers. But Ms Abbas chose that moment to call Prince a liar! These are just a few.

    Ms Abbas is a hypocrite, will say or do anything to incite riot, she openly supported others that made death threats towards a grieving mother. I find her extremely disturbing as the positive tweets she post are at opposite end of the spectrum to the person she really is, as evident by the constant hate she throws at Michael’s family.

    She instigates hate towards those that will not agree with her. Helen this is her first step in your direction, there will be more and nastier.

    Ms Abbas did this exact thing to Mary of CADFLAW, attacked her for months in private because of her choices, then in public. Mary was heartbroken Michaels initiative was being threatened so finally spoke up. up

    Ms. Abbas has been stalking and threatening Taaj for three years, her blog visible for nearly two years. Would Ms Abbas care to explain why that is?
    Ms Abbas’s behavior is that of a “Cyber stalker.”

    Helen if you noticed all the links Ms Abbas has accumulated to hurt and embarrass Taaj on her blog no longer work. Those people have worked their differences out with Taaj for the sake of love and harmony in Michael Jackson’s community. Ms Abbas is enraged by that so has been openly inviting others to author new negative blogs against Taaj.

    If Ms Abbas is so concerned about her photos then maybe she should refrain from posting them on twitter, once they are in the public domain its ridiculous to complain.

    Those that value their privacy shouldn’t slander, attack others by stalking them hundred of hours weekly. Ms Abbas proudly posts “Updates” on Taaj after keeping her under surveillance, post lies on Taaj, encourages others to do the same then plays a victim which are classic traits of “Cyber-bulling”
    If Ms Abbas wants to leave a threat for Taaj she shouldn’t be disrespecting a post which has been built out of love, unity and truth for Michael.


  44. November 28, 2013 9:46 pm

    Helen, hunny can we expect a blog on CM from you soon, dont know if you are aware MJ online team posted a cease and desist letter from them to CM. Ivy also has a copy of it on MJJC. I also wanted to mention the “MJ Online team” was born after the Estate complaint against me, they tried to show they were using that name as one of their reasons in the claim, but i managed to show i used it way before they did.And that MJ Online had been newly opened the days prior to their complaint. Andrew with respect i personally don’t care about anyth CM has to say on that issue. Lv


  45. Mary permalink
    November 28, 2013 9:45 pm

    It seems to me that there are powers that be that are in continued and assertive effort to ‘clean up’ and prevent what should have happened re a verdict in the first place. The trial is not over yet, nor is the media war. The humiliation of Michael speeds on at record pace. Please keep ‘michaeling’ to help our brother, there is a lot of hate out there right now, *some people are cracking…..and the kids, well they need all our prayers right now, don’t they.

    On a different, note, it being Thanksgiving in the states today, I wanted to send out my love and gratitude to Michael….the more you know about him, the more you are grateful for everything he did….for us…for others…for the poor…..for the sick…for the damaged….the lost children (many of whom are adults today) and for the animals…for those who could not speak for themselves. His path was to suffer even more than those he helped through public humiliation and financial annihilation brought on by those who didn’t want to see love, peace, nor a billionaire black man to do what he came here to do….and then there were those that latched onto his wallet for decades and never let go.

    We love you Michael. Thank you for getting up and giving us everything you had for fifty years. We know it was not easy. Please know we love you and pray that soon all will know who you are, why you came here, and stop hating. 

    I also want to thank you, Helena, for bringing his message out so diligently, so comprehensively, so bravely, and so lovingly. Advocating and protecting Michael is not for the weak of heart…..every meaning intended. Michael lead a dangerous life due to his fortune and fame……eyes were everywhere. No one could be trusted. Keep standing, the force of LOVE is behind you.

    Much Love to you All,


  46. Andrew permalink
    November 28, 2013 9:30 pm

    Thank goodness Conrad Murray didn’t answer the question about whether he thought Mike was a pedophile or not!!!


  47. Susanne permalink
    November 28, 2013 6:52 pm

    Conrad Murray 60 minutes interview


  48. Susanne permalink
    November 28, 2013 6:44 pm

    Conrad Murray Daybreak/TV Interview Part1

    Conrad Murray Daybreak/TV Interview Part 2


  49. November 28, 2013 5:32 pm

    “The take-down letter doesn’t have anything to do with trial transcripts. The party/claimant of the take-down letter lists Sony/Epic/the Estate of Michael Jackson. AEG’s name is not listed and Sony and the Estate are not “covering” for AEG. What the Sony/Epic/Estate have in common is MJ’s music and photo’s. A “take down” notice is just that…’s a warning. TeamMichaelJackson has a choice…..either remove the copyright products, defamation, libel issues and no longer post other fans private photo’s & personal information or lose the website altogether.” – Susan Joyce

    This is exactly why I made this post – to show numerous mistakes in the above point of view.

    1. The take-down letter was made by an Agent on behalf of Sony/Epic/Estate but was not properly signed and this made it ineffective. So who requested that take-down note remains unclear – there was no reason not to put a signature unless the people who were making the paper knew that something was wrong with it.

    2. Copyright infringements don’t cover defamation issues, so if anyone was unhappy with defamation this take-down notice was not the right thing to do. Defamation requires a court order.

    3. As far as I remember there were no materials in the blog infringing anyone’s copyright. If there were, the complainant should have listed at least something. However this information was missing and the complaint itself was vague and unspecific. The blog did not have music and contained a minimum of photos.

    4. AEG’s name WAS listed among the materials requested to be removed. The thread mentioned in this connection was the one about the trial (containing the transcripts).

    5. The craziness of this take-down notice is in the fact that the alleged claimant (Sony/Epic/Estate) was called the “rights owner” and was claiming to have “rights” to documents about AEG (the trial transcripts) – among other things, of course.

    My opinion is that professional lawyers could not have made so many mistakes. It must be someone else.

    In fact I’ve seen the complaint made by the Estate about TeamMJ in 2011 and over there each point was specified in great detail, same as it is usually done in legal motions with references to other similar cases and all materials that would be related to the problem. Naturally there was an electronic signature there too. They were complaining about the domain name looking like theirs and commercial use of the blog.

    However this take-down notice was “blind” and looked like – yes, you are right – it looked like a warning. Or a threat. Of a bullying letter saying to TeamMJ – take down 90% of your posts and don’t dare you say a word to anyone, otherwise things will become even worse for you.

    As to private photos and personal information of someone – no, I haven’t seen any on the TeamMJ blog. Of course I mostly visited the AEG court pages and didn’t explore others but even the menu didn’t suggest that the blog had anything of the kind. Most of it was documents or pamphlets.


    Actually the 10% that was to remain included posts about the Juliens Auctions. Here are only some of the posts about the Estate there (this is a catched copy). See titles like: “They are all in on this together – John Branca – Juliens Auction – Michael Bush”, “In Response to John Branca –Michael Bush Statements”, “John Branca/McClain-Darren Julien Fiasco!”

    (my posting these titles here does not mean that I agree with them)

    What I wonder about is this – why was the information on the Estate to stay (at least some of it) and the AEG transcripts were to be removed?


  50. November 28, 2013 4:51 pm

    The take-down letter doesn’t have anything to do with trial transcripts. All transcripts are public record unless filed under “seal”. If anyone wants their own transcripts they can order them through the court. In California as of May 2012, the fee for a first copy to any court, party, or other person shall be twenty cents ($ 0.20) for each 100 words.

    The party/claimant of the take-down letter lists Sony/Epic/the Estate of Michael Jackson. AEG’s name is not listed and Sony and the Estate are not “covering” for AEG. What the Sony/Epic/Estate have in common is MJ’s music and photo’s.

    Copyright infringement is the use of works under copyright, infringing the copyright holder’s exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works, without permission from the copyright holder, which is typically a publisher or other business representing or assigned by the work’s creator.

    The DMCA provides protection to owners of copyrighted property from unauthorized usage. The protection that the law provides is not limited to Internet based infringement. However, the Act is most closely associated with the ability to remove (takedown) pirated material from the Internet / Web.

    A “take down” notice is just that…’s a warning. TeamMichaelJackson has a choice…..either remove the copyright products, defamation, libel issues and no longer post other fans private photo’s & personal information or lose the website altogether.


  51. November 28, 2013 3:41 pm

    I am sorry this blog had to be desecrated for one persons personal agenda, i refuse to engage such matter here. Lv


  52. November 28, 2013 3:26 pm

    Today is thanks giving, i would like to wish everyone here a wonderful day filled with peace and love….

    I would like to thank the lord for my good health, good friends. and pray he shows me a better path to walk tomorrow then today because we can never cease to improve on how we treat ourselves and others.


  53. November 28, 2013 3:02 pm

    “Michael preached a universal brotherhood whereby no religion; no race, no culture and no ideology should prevent us from loving one another” – MJJJusticeProject

    Yes, he did.

    “This person finds your support of her very important as it provides her with certain credibility»

    MJJJusticeProject, I am sorry but I need to make a couple of things clear. My post is not about support or lack of support for someone, but is about the truth of what happened to the TeamMichaelJackson blog and the grave injustice done to it. The pretext for closing their blog (copyright infringement) was crazy and totally unfounded, and this is one of the first things I wanted to draw attention to.

    In such cases there is no need for me to even think twice – the documents the blog contained were precious, a lot of effort went into obtaining them, a good deal of money was spent, the first testimonies were initially typed by her team from shorthand notes made by Taaj who went to court every day, no one but her did it though this option was open to everyone else and in this incredible tempo she and her team lived all throughout the 5 months of the AEG trial.

    We were live witnesses to it and hang on each transcript obtained by the Team – and now after all this incredible work done someone comes and complains that these materials are infringing Sony/Epic/Estate’s rights and the blog is closed? It is not okay.

    You offer to show us the worst side of Taaj through her tweets, etc. but I’ve been to your blog today and it seems that the most of it is already there.

    Well, I perfectly believe that Malik is capable of saying extremely unpleasant things and often does not contain her fury in talking to people, but firstly, this has nothing to do with the great work done by her blog during the AEG trial (and the blog should not suffer), and secondly, those to whom she said unpleasant things said similarly unpleasant things to her too.

    Here are the comments on all this bickering which I liked most in your blog:

    Peace keeper says:
    March 23, 2012 at 6:28 pm
    The hate that is being slung around here, and not just by one but by most, is the most disgusting thing, I as a Michael Jackson fan since the late 60′s, have lay witness to. NONE of you should have the right to call yourselves MJ fans! I don’t care what any of your opinions are on his death or who may have been involved. The level to which ALL OF YOU have sunk to defend you opinions is an embarrassment to the memory of this loving human being, who was taken from us way to soon.

    Sandra says:
    October 22, 2012 at 6:47 pm
    This is exactly why I left Twitter and facebook, everybody in competition and fighting with each other when no Jackson family member asked them to fight for Michael or the family. Finally at last I now found alone time with Michael as it used to be, as he deserves. The MJfan-mily needs to chill and get back to their lives. Michael used the judicial system, he didn’t hire outside sources to fight his battles, if he did, he did it quietly behind the scenes, he also did it in his music, but he is not here any longer. He left us his legacy and we must accept that. I believe the fans are assuming too much responsibility and inserting themselves where they are not needed or wanted causing more drama to this name than is necessary and in doing this, bringing negativity to his name and legacy. If you want to show your appreciation for his life long work, simply give to a charity in his name, this should be sufficient, humble and what he would have wanted. I do not believe he would be proud of his fans today, advocates or justice fighters as you call them. He stood for LOVE, PEACE and UNITY. Only he had that right to voice his concerns about his life through his music. His fans do not have this right. They should not speak for him on the platform they have created. As much as he appreciated his fans while he was here, this is beyond troublesome. Sorry this in my opinion like it or not.

    The level of hate there is indeed impressive. After seeing it firsthand I even began to think that the Web Sheriff could be called not by the Estate, but by almost anyone.

    “I will give her until Dec.1st to do so. If by that time, she has not removed the highly defamatory and slanderous blog that incites others to harass me and contact my family – I will provide to you proof of the blog ‘s authorship, her twitter accounts, screencaps of threats and facebook links so that you might see for yourself the kind of person who has demonstrated beyond all shadow of doubt – a serious lack of ETHICS.”

    I hope that Taaj Malik will remove all personal comments on your family by that time, and not because of your threats but because she herself will understand that these methods are totally unethical.

    Enough is enough.


  54. OnlyJustice4MJ permalink
    November 28, 2013 2:59 pm

    I just wanted to pop on here to see if there was any constructive up-dates…
    Sadly not…. All I got faced with is MJJJP using this wonderful blog to throw out threats 😦

    Helena, thank you so much for this blog, I believe that the truth of this mystery will be unveiled in due time…

    I can see you have put much time and effort into this blog and I am saddened to see people use it for completely unrelated topics….

    Please keep up your amazing work Helena, I will keep following for up-dates…


  55. November 28, 2013 1:20 am

    Helena, You have long held an important place in the MJGlobal family as an impassioned Michael Jackson researcher and teacher. We have used your blog constantly to glean important information regarding Michael Jackson related issues and on many occasion quoted directly from VindicateMJ. On our twitter we urge other Michael Jackson fans to read your blog so that they can arm themselves with information in which to fight back against MJhaters & trolls. We appreciate that you remain unbiased and you present an accurate picture of circumstances, the individuals involved and situations that occurred in and around Michael’s life based on your research.

    Whether or not we agree with everything you post we respect that you have done due diligence and that your opinions are based on your logical analysis of the topic.

    “MJJJusticeProject, I am not sure I want to know the details but you are right – ETHICS is an indispensable part. I don’t know whether the above is true, half-true or totally untrue and all I can do at the moment is just shake my head. Life is so short. What are we wasting it on?”

    I am sure you do not want to know the details, but I regret to inform you that it is most definitely true, the blog exists and the author of this blog might surprise you. I received public threats that she would search my private information and post it, over a year ago, and she has fulfilled that threat and added her own little perverted twist. However, this is not the venue for me to share the details of what has been written about my husband, my children, and my innocent grandson and pictures as well.

    Suffice to say that if she has issues with me then writing about them and me would be totally acceptable but to defame and slander a good man’s name when he doesn’t have the slightest bit to do with anything that goes on in Michael’s fan community is beyond the pale. She has attempted to sully my husband’s name and reputation with fictitious stories regarding his lack of ethics, morals and sense of decency within the confines of our culturally mixed marriage of almost 40 years. Using religiously bigoted comments and racial slurs such as “white trash” she tries to demean me because my husband and I are racially different.

    Michael preached a universal brotherhood whereby no religion; no race, no culture and no ideology should prevent us from loving one another, yet with this blog she dismisses his principled tenets and life mission.

    This person finds your support of her very important as it provides her with certain credibility and therefore, rather than drag her name here in public I am offering her a deal here and now.

    Remove the blog that slanders my husband.
    Delete all tweets of vitrolic using my name, links to the blog.
    Remove my pictures, my children’s picture, my children’s spouses pictures, my grandchildren’s pictures.
    Remove birthday cakes and wedding cake pictures from her twitter accounts.
    Remove any reference of my husband from both of her known twitter accounts and any other anonymous accounts she is utilizing.
    Remove the links of the blog she has posted on her multiple facebook accounts and any other social media site that is available to her.

    I will also expect that she direct her cronies to do the same and to remove any references of me and images of me and my family that they have photo shopped with any sort of juvenile vulgarity.

    I will give her until Dec.1st to do so. If by that time, she has not removed the highly defamatory and slanderous blog that incites others to harass me and contact my family – I will provide to you proof of the blog ‘s authorship, her twitter accounts, screencaps of threats and facebook links so that you might see for yourself the kind of person who has demonstrated beyond all shadow of doubt – a serious lack of ETHICS.


  56. Mariam permalink
    November 27, 2013 8:44 pm

    “And if the Estate is involved in it because they wanted those particular transcripts to be removed it is even worse, because then it will mean that they are standing by AEG” Helena

    If the Estate is involved in it, it is going to be no good and then there is a lot of thing we need to worry about and there is a lot of thing we need to be suspicious about. OMG, so many things pop up in to my mind the things which I don’t want to believe.

    If that all true, which means that Estate is allied with the people and companies who was playing the biggest part of the game which destroyed/damaged and eventually killed MJ.

    That makes them like they are/where one of those people/companies even before MJ died all the way until now. That thought scared me a lot. I hope it is not true.

    By the way, is RF skipped the appeal (KJ) that filed against dismissal of him and G? If that is the strategy, G will be next. Please someone tell me about this.

    But, I still want to believe they are not; I still want to believe they didn’t do and will never do that to MJ and to MJ fans. I still want to believe, they are a good friend of MJ and they loved him and they will continue to work in the best interest of MJ. At this point, I want to see more evidence that indicates the Estate involvement with this thing so I will wait hope another finding by Helene.

    However, speaking of TMJ blog, the TRUTH has a price and it is costly, unfortunately. It should be endorsed and appreciated but not now days. So we have to expect the price that might cost us, if we are telling or fighting for truth to that extent, it could be harsher even, but no matter what, at the end the TRUTH always WIN. Because God stands by the Truth because He is the truth Himself, so I encourage Taaj not to afraid to say the truth or to fight for truth.


  57. trueblue permalink
    November 27, 2013 6:38 pm

    I had told Taaj that the attacks against her were getting worse and worse ( I even sent her one of those so she could know what was happening behind her back), and that I thought that meant she was getting closer to the truth. Yes, the latest events make us be very suspicious and it is very likely they have something to do with this (Murray’s lies, Randy Philips being fired, etc.), but I think her eternal enemies are behind this (notice the plural)… Anyway, I do think we must support each other, especially Taaj, and try not to fight among ourselves for our different opinions. I pray that we learn the truth one day. Helena, thank you for this blog and I hope you continue trying to be honest and looking for the truth following Michael’s spirit.


  58. November 27, 2013 5:19 pm

    “Thank you Susan & Helena – for making that differentiation between presentation of fact and opinion verses the freedom to defame the character of someone with fabrications, lies, and the incitement of others to do them harm- Anyone involved in setting up blogs that do exactly this and also defame a person’s husband and post private information and pictures of another fan’s family including a sick infant should perhaps ponder on this premise.” – MJJJusticeProject

    MJJJusticeProject, I am not sure I want to know the details but you are right – ETHICS is an indispensable part. I don’t know whether the above is true, half-true or totally untrue and all I can do at the moment is just shake my head. Life is so short. What are we wasting it on?


  59. Sina permalink
    November 27, 2013 5:16 pm

    “The Constitution doesn’t guarantee you ‘free speech.’ “Despite what many seem to believe, the ‘freedom of speech’ guarantee in the Constitution doesn’t give you the right to say anything you want, anywhere you want. There are exceptions which make that right of free speech a limited one. Speech that involves incitement, false statements of fact, obscenity, threats, and speech owned by others are all completely exempt from First Amendment protections”.

    These words are hollow when it comes to Michael Jackson. Rather than protect him the constitution was a safe haven for the verbal attacks on him.
    But sadly there were no protests, no cease and desists and no closing down of blogs by lawyers, not then and not now.


  60. November 27, 2013 4:57 pm

    “All transcripts are here They were posted on scribd only embedded on TMJ.” -TeamMichaelJackson

    Taaj, I am happy you are strong enough to leave a comment here. Yes, we know of course that those transcripts are posted on scribd too, but I don’t know how well scribd is protected from similar attacks like the one against your blog? If someone could do it to your blog can they do the same on scribd?

    In the meantime it is great to have a second place to go to for those documents. I will put a link to them in the body of the post.

    I wish you a speedy recovery and great peace of mind. And a happy resolution of this unpleasant matter too.


  61. November 27, 2013 4:47 pm

    Thank you Susan & Helena – for making that differentiation between presentation of fact and opinion verses the freedom to defame the character of someone with fabrications, lies, and the incitement of others to do them harm- This is indeed is not in keeping with being a Michael Jackson fan or a seeker of justice for Michael Jackson. Anyone involved in setting up blogs that do exactly this and also defame a person’s husband and post private information and pictures of another fan’s family including a sick infant should perhaps ponder on this premise.


  62. November 27, 2013 4:29 pm

    “It is times like this that Michael’s ‘Soldiers of Love’ should most definitely stand together, paving the way for what the future of the ‘MJ family’ should be known for and that is UNITY.” – Helen-Marie

    Helen-Marie, oh, it would be the best gift to Michael’s legacy if we managed to turn into real soldiers of Love.

    Unity is a great word if it is real unity and is not something based on division. Hate is division and unity cannot be based on hate, even if it is hate of one big group of people against only one person or entity.

    And unity cannot be based on likings which can be temporary, unstable and illusionary.

    I think unity can be based on search for the truth and standing up for justice. On the truth no matter who says it (even if it is your opponent) and on justice for everyone (even your opponent).

    This way even we climb the mountain taking different routes and from the opposite sides of it we will still meet each other on the top of it.


  63. November 27, 2013 4:15 pm

    Sorry for the repeat post.

    All transcripts are here
    They were posted on scribd only embedded on TMJ.
    Please scroll down on the above link for these collections:-

    Katherine Jackson V AEG Live by TeamMichael (View All 108 Documents)

    People V Conrad Murray by TeamMichael (View All 66 Documents)

    Random by TeamMichael (View All 67 Documents)

    People V Michael Jackson-CourtTranscript- 2005 by TeamMichael (View All 65 Documents)

    MJ Estate Executor-John Branca V Michael Jackson’s Heal The World Foundation by TeamMichael (View All 56 Documents

    Thank you Helen-Marie, Sina,

    Also want to inform you HTWF are due to file their 2nd brief against John Branca first week in December. The first brief HTWF filed caused havoc, Branca filed an Emergency filing to seal as well as targeting for docs we purchased from Federal court website. The judge did not demand we take them down but we did as courtesy.

    Here is that filing


  64. November 27, 2013 4:05 pm

    “I don’t fell sorry for someone who has spewed so much hate in & on her blog, on twitter and towards “fellow” MJ fans. Enough was quite enough with that. I have “known” her since 2009. We used to be able to agree to disagree but then she became more & more hateful so I detached.” – edcawobeth3

    Cawobeth3, it seems to me that all this hate – of everyone towards everyone – has reached such a temperature that it is time to cool off for all sides. In situations like these the worst victim is the truth because one side fights the other side just because it is a matter of principle for them to say the opposite of what their opponent says. No one cares for the truth any more and all that matters is a fight for the sake of fighting.

    I find it abhorrent. Hate should be discarded by all sides. Hate is blind and it does not help, and is absolutely no way to reach for the truth. Truth needs an open mind and neutrality as the very least. I hope everyone involved in this fight will understand it.

    “I appreciated her going to the trial & objectively reporting what occurred. However, I do not appreciate those who portend to love Michael on one hand & hate with the other. What goes around inevitably comes back around. I really could care less if anyone is behind police action over this.”

    But even if you justify this police action as a result of it the precious transcripts are gone. So much effort went into obtaining them, so much truth can be still learned from them, and now all this truth was sacrificed just to someone’s hate for another person?

    If the Estate is indeed involved in it and if this was done to get rid of Taaj’s blog irrespective of what it had, I consider it an extremely petty way of behavior not worthy of lawyers of a high rank and reputation.

    And if the Estate is involved in it because they wanted those particular transcripts to be removed it is even worse, because then it will mean that they are standing by AEG.

    I hope very much that this shameful behavior has nothing to do with the Estate, and there are indeed several signs making me doubt that it is them. This Web police could have been hired absolutely by anyone, and I even know one company which is extremely interested in compromising the Estate. They have done it several times already, only very few people noticed it.


  65. November 27, 2013 2:45 pm

    “Despite what many seem to believe, the ‘freedom of speech’ guarantee in the Constitution doesn’t give you the right to say anything you want, anywhere you want. Speech that involves incitement, false statements of fact, obscenity, threats, and speech owned by others are all completely exempt from First Amendment protections.” – Susan Joyce

    Of course freedom of speech is not equivalent to freedom to defame, or at least should not be. Michael was the first who suffered from it. Having a terrible example of what media did to Michael we should be doubly careful not to accuse anyone of wrongdoing without a really valid reason for it.

    So it is always better to think twice before saying something and not because of fear of being taken to court but because Michael’s supporters should be different and keep to the highest ethical standards possible.

    If we support Michael we should be like Michael and not like his haters.


  66. November 27, 2013 1:20 pm

    The Constitution doesn’t guarantee you ‘free speech.’ “Despite what many seem to believe, the ‘freedom of speech’ guarantee in the Constitution doesn’t give you the right to say anything you want, anywhere you want.

    There are exceptions which make that right of free speech a limited one. Speech that involves incitement, false statements of fact, obscenity, threats, and speech owned by others are all completely exempt from First Amendment protections.

    Listed under the exceptions of the First Amendment is:
    Defamation (libel is written defamation; slander is oral defamation) is the intentional
    communication of a falsehood about a person, to someone other than that person, that injures the person’s reputation. The injured person may sue and recover damages under state law. Being required to pay damages for a defamatory statement restricts one’s freedom of speech; defamation, therefore, constitutes an exception to the First Amendment.

    Libel places specific emphasis on the result of the publication. Libelous publications tended to “degrade and injure another person” or “bring him into contempt, hatred or ridicule.”

    The Court has held that public public figures may not recover damages for defamation unless they prove, with “convincing clarity,” that the defamatory statement was made with “‘actual malice’—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”


  67. Helen-Marie permalink
    November 27, 2013 9:57 am

    It’s times like this that you know just who you can rely on…
    Thank you for this informative article Helena, indeed as you say, you may not agree with all of all taaj’s opinions and beliefs, but what you felt was a responsibility to stand forward in her defence and you should be commended for doing so.

    It is times like this that Michael’s ‘Soldiers of Love’ should most definitely stand together, paving the way for what the future of the ‘MJ family’ should be known for and that is UNITY.

    My first thought on what’s happened to taaj and all that she’s stood and fought for since Michael’s death was ‘scare tactics’, as it had recently become apparent to me that there were several entities after her downfall.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not everyone is going to see eye to eye in the name of Michael, but I have been shocked and saddened to see so much bullying across the net directed at taaj and others who are clearly wanting what every fan is wanting, JUSTICE & TRUTH for Michael.

    People are very quick to forget that taaj has put her personal life on hold to keep us informed and despite being in immense pain has carried on regardless to bring us the truth. I’m not saying she hasn’t upset people along the way, but please, praise where its due people.

    My instinctive thought was that the threat of closure to the TMJ site coincided with Murrays release and because of all what was in plain sight to read on the blog, it was a threat. Remember, we are still within the realms of an appeal being made (or not) and Murray being the loose cannon that he is could speak out and contradict all that AEG has said on record. Couple this with the news of Randy Phillips’ release from AEG and the fact that TMJ’s blog had hard copies of all the court transcripts, is this an underhanded shot at overall damage control by AEG?

    One of the scariest statements that Murray has made since his release from prison is that Michael himself self medicated the fatal dose during the 2 minutes he left the room. (complete nonsense as has been proved). At first I thought that he was just being his delusional self but, reading between the lines, what if he was trying to say there was a third party involved? This would also be in line with Prince’s statement that he saw what he thought was RP at the house that night. Is it possible that this is the conspiracy the family have been trying to tell us about when they said “Murray was the scapegoat”?

    The crux of the matter is that someone does not want the Team Michael Jackson site to exist in any form. They want taaj silenced and for all the fans to be just that and stop poking their inquiring minds into dangerous waters. It has started with a mild threat, but rather than walk away taaj has, in a time of great setback, stood her ground. Lets hope Michaels Army of love will stand behind her so that the truth can and will continue to be heard.

    As for your own blog Helena, keep a back up at all times as insurance, do you remember I told you that my computer was threatened when I visited here a couple of weeks ago? At the time it was made to look as if someone was trying to stop people from reading your article on defending Branca, but who knows?


  68. Susanne permalink
    November 27, 2013 8:16 am

    I’m speechless.


  69. Sina permalink
    November 27, 2013 7:47 am

    Helena I commend you for making public the information about Team MJ blog, even though you do not see eye to eye on the subject of the MJE executors. Fans can learn from it, that you can disagree and still cooperate with one another for a good cause and in this case for transparancy , freedom of speech and information. That is class!!

    @ TMJ I hope you made back ups of all the documents and articles .It would be a shame if all the information , your hard work and money for the transcripts is lost. This is not fanfiction but important documents that help write Michaels history and should be in the public forever .Over the years so much was already taken down. This is a classic example of intimidation to sweep the inconvenient truth under the carpet.
    To Taaj personally, I hope you get better soon for yourself and your family. And for the good work you do.

    Re Philips he is well paid as long as his contract would have lasted. Unlike Michael who he wanted to strip off his home and ‘ probably even his children’ he is has the luxury to keep his lifestyle going.
    AEG /Anschuz must have known how RP and PG behaved and treated Michael behind the scenes of This is it, and only now its convenient for them to get rid of RP? Is it a coincident that KJ appealed against the dismissal of RP and PG from the case ?
    What about Anschutz moves to( pretend to) auction off AEG, Colony Capitals interest and then the sudden retraction from the market? Nothing happens by accident.
    The irony of it is that all these peoples names will forever be linked to Michael Jackson. From Murray who I am still lost for words at his complete lack of human decency. This is it movie : Ortega , Randy Philips, McClain, Branca and Gongaware are all producers of the documentary, with Branca Mc Clain as executive producers and will have these rights forever. (What part of This is it went to Michaels estate? ) .
    The same with the Bad documentary, produced by Branca, Mc Clain, LA Reid and Michaels credit? : actor! Thank God he owned his own songs and hopefully most of the footage.

    I don’t feel sorry for someone who has spewed so much hate in & on her blog, on twitter and towards “fellow” MJ fans
    @ Cowabeth: I agree that there is a lot of hate in the MJ community and with all their good work, unfortunately TMJ was not exempt of it. But you still have a lot of work to do if you are really interested in tackling this kind of behavior among MJ supporters . Because as we speak there are forums and sites whose life line is hate, bullying and humiliating each other, downplaying other artists and people around Michael while passing on those they favor and particularly interesting is the institutionalized Jackson family hate which I think is orchestrated.
    It would be helpfull if you could adress that too.


  70. Caro permalink
    November 27, 2013 4:13 am

    Gosh Helena sounds awfully like some sort of conspiracy hey? As I was reading through I immediately thought of AEG and their bullying tactics again, so we shall see.

    You have put so much work into this post. I agree with Mariam – ‘you are absolutely incredible’. I do hope that something really positive comes out of it, and that TeamMichaelJackson is reinstated.

    And speaking of ‘defamation of character’ – what about all the years of defamation of Michael’s character by so many people then, and unfortunately still now????

    News on your arms would be good please – hope you continue to improve nicely.


  71. November 27, 2013 3:44 am

    It is extremely sad that this has happened to the team michael jackson website. So much of hard work and those priceless court transcripts which could be accessed so easily just gone in a jiffy! I hope they have kept a backup of the material. Helena, over all these months of the trial, your blog has provided a wealth of material for MJ fans. Even when it comes to looking up past allegations, against MJ, your blog helps a novice find the true direction and gives a clear picture of things as they were. Myself, amongst many others have developed a fondness for this blog and it would be unbearable to see something happen to this! So please have a back up of all the material so that nothing is lost. Thanks again for all your hard work and devotion that you put in Helena. And see what happened to Randy Phillips- it is the power of prayers and this is just the beginning. May all the troubles of MJ and the his fan activists be wiped. Lets hope for the best and keep the faith 🙂


  72. cawobeth3 permalink
    November 27, 2013 12:16 am

    I don’t fell sorry for someone who has spewed so much hate in & on her blog, on twitter and towards “fellow” MJ fans. Enough was quite enough with that. I have “known” her since 2009. We used to be able to agree to disagree but then she became more & more hateful so I detached. I appreciated her going to the trial & objectively reporting what occurred. However, I do not appreciate those who portend to love Michael on one hand & hate with the other. What goes around inevitably comes back around. I really could care less if anyone is behind police action over this.


  73. Nan permalink
    November 26, 2013 10:48 pm

    When Randy Phillips got the idea to bring Michael Jackson back to his fans he never would have guessed it would end this way: Michael is dead, and Phillips has been “exited” — in corporate speak– from his job as founding chief of AEG Live. Yesterday the company announced simply that Phillips was gone, and there was a new corporate hierarchy to replace him. It wasn’t very gracious, but that’s corporate America.

    Phillips started AEGLive in 2002 and put it on the map. He and Tim Leiweke — who left last March — literally created AEG to compete with what became Live Nation (formerly Clear Channel Entertainment). They made the O2 Arena outside of London their beach head. Among their triumphs was the actual Led Zeppelin reunion in memory of Ahmet Ertegun.

    Under Leiweke and Phillips, the whole L.A. Live center in downtown Los Angeles blossomed. What was a wasteland is now a thriving culture center in a city where culture is usually mentioned in conjunction with strep throat. In New York AEG set up shop with the Nokia Theater in Times Square.

    It was at the Ertegun concert that Randy told me he’d made an offer to Michael Jackson to do 10 shows at the Arena. The offer was rejected. But a year later Michael’s finances were in worse shape than ever. The offer was re-examined. The deal was made. Phillips never conceived of the depth or range of Michael’s problems. On the car ride to the O2 Arena, Jackson was literally a mess. And things went downhill from there.

    There were plenty of successes, big tours, and even the triumph of the Jackson documentary “This Is It.” From Paul McCartney to Justin Bieber, AEG held its own with behemoth Live Nation. Phillips leaves a well-armed organization for popular Jay Marciano, the guy he brought in from Madison Square Garden hand picked. Maybe Phillips will get back into management, where he was a rock star. His first client could be Lady Gaga. If anyone could straighten out that mess, it’s Randy.


  74. November 26, 2013 4:55 pm

    I hope very much this will be clarified – for the sake of truth, of free speech and of all our common efforts in our fight for Michael.
    My best wishes to Taaj, may she get her health back completely as well as her site.


  75. November 26, 2013 4:14 pm

    Here is anoth complaint against my Twitter few months back

    I am sure Twitter, etc must have legitimate addresses, IPs, ways of checking if the complaints are from who claims them. Certainly in the case of YT bc they have account with them. WS

    A friend of mine whose video i had embedded on TMJ site has now had one Copyright claim from WS, the video is “Think different” “the square pegs in round holes” You all prob know the one, she had around two minutes of the video which is not MJ music, MJ appears in the video for couple seconds per the concert he was in. Certainly meets “fair use doctrine” yet YT have taken it down and refused to entertain her counterclaim.


  76. November 26, 2013 4:12 pm

    Here is anoth complaint against my Twitter few months back

    I am sure Twitter, etc must have legitimate addresses, IPs, ways of checking if the complaints are from who claims them. Certainly in the case of YT bc they have account with them.

    A friend of mine whose video i had embedded on TMJ site has now had one Copyright claim from WS, the video is “Think different” “the square pegs in round holes” she had around two minutes of the video which is not MJ music, MJ appears in the video for couple seconds per the concert he was in. Certainly meets “fair use doctrine” yet YT have refused to entertain her counterclaim.


  77. November 26, 2013 4:05 pm

    Reblogged this on teammichaeljackson.


  78. November 26, 2013 3:56 pm

    Helen is one of the most beautiful souls i have encountered in my almost five years in MJFam. Thank you for your support and for giving me a voice. I have managed to trace the IP of Web Sheriff back to their London office, they are indeed who they say they are!

    My Youtube account was made target initially two weeks prior to copyright claims were filed on Michael Jackson video. These claims also as ridiculous as the DMCA against the site. It seems because youtube has account with Web Sheriff they can file CR against any videos EVEN IF USED UNDER FAIR USE DOCTRINE. The actions of WS and YT are lawless and problem being no one is fighting them in court of law, so they are getting away with it. both my channels which had “video recordings” of deposition, Jackson V AEG, were targeted with bogus copyright claims.

    I wrote to Web Sheriff asking them not to contest my counter claim on YT so i could keep my channel, I promised them i would willingly delete all MJ vids. They replied to me in an intimidating manner. Offering to meet me at a location of my choice whilst reinforcing the allegations made towards me in the DMCA claim they sent to my server.

    I have four emails from them. first few lines being

    & WITHOUT PREJUDICE (Save as to
    Legal Costs)”

    in big bold writing. The reason they have prob done that is bc they know every claim i get i make public.


  79. November 26, 2013 3:18 pm

    Hi All,
    Production and test site with two different web hosts, the only way to save the MJ sites.


  80. November 26, 2013 2:04 pm

    “There is also the possibility of someone doing this to try and confuse MJ fans, and it could not be the estate it Sony, AEG at all”- Ettelra

    Ettelra, someone is definitely trying to confuse MJ’s fans – there is no doubt about it. And it might not necessarily be Sony or even AEG. If we one day learn who these people are we will also learn who was standing behind the orchestrated harassment of Michael Jackson and the attempt to ruin him, because essentially it is the same people.

    “I just hope Taaj’s website is put back and she is left alone.”

    I also want her website back and not because I agree with her as regards the Estate. No, I don’t, but she has the right to express her opinion and if the Estate does not like it they shouldn’t seek to shut down her blog but handle the problem in a constructive way.

    If there are questions to answer they should be answered, if there are unclear points they should be clarified. The Estate shouldn’t be above the dialogue with fans. And the dispute should be done in the most civilized manner possible (from both sides!). I can imagine that the Estate is furious with some statements of TeamMJ, but this is no reason for getting rid of the Team. If this is done to their blog it can be done to all of us, and this is totally unacceptable.

    However I am not sure that it is the Estate who is doing it to Taaj. They clearly dislike her very much, but there are situations when tensions between the two are used by a third party. History knows huge provocations based on this principle. And I really smell a provocation here. It is not only due to the situation around Taaj’s blog but also due to a hundred small and big episodes which have taken place lately all of which are pointing to someone not wanting the Estate to pay off MJ’s debts and succeed.

    These people didn’t want Michael to be financially strong and independent when he was alive, and similarly they don’t want his Estate to be strong and mighty now either. It is the continuation of the same tendency. This should always, always, always be kept in mind.

    I hope that one day we will know the truth.


  81. ettelra permalink
    November 26, 2013 9:37 am

    CORRECTION: I didn’t mean to type the word “amphitheater” LOL, I meant “hide behind a fake threat”. I have no idea how my laptop corrected this to amphitheater!!!


  82. ettelra permalink
    November 26, 2013 9:34 am

    Perhaps you are right, but if this is the Estate and if they have a connection to AEG, then maybe they could be bold enough to try and bully Taaj, Maybe they think that they could hide behind an amphitheater just to mess with her, and they are bold enough to think that even if they are exposed as the culprits, money can buy them out of any trouble. Sometimes bullies are bold like this. They will commit crimes in daylight. There is also the possibility of someone doing this to try and confuse MJ fans, and it could not be the estate it Sony, AEG at all, but I just hope Taaj’s website is put back and she is left alone. Obviously Taaj is a real threat to injustice because she has some people obsessed with taking her down. It’s kind of weird, something happened to the allforlove blog by Raven earlier this week, i think. She said someone hacked her site, and then earlier than that, someone tried to shut down yours. These are all major resources that are helpful to MJ fans. Some very strange things are happening. :/ I wish there was a way that MJ fans could strike major companies back, and major haters, and strike them in such a way that at least for a little while Michael’s fans wont be bothered.


  83. November 26, 2013 9:17 am

    “I think Branca is using bullies to intimidate Taaj again. How terrible do you have to be to try and torment someone who just came out of surgery? Disgusting!” – Ettelra

    Ettelra, I myself am thinking of a well-thought out provocation and it being arranged by a third party.

    First of all, claiming that the Estate has a copyright to all those materials is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard of. I doubt that the Estate could ever say that.

    And second, this takedown notice is equivalent to the Estate’s open declaration that they are in cahoots with AEG as the main thing requested to be removed was the transcripts. Again, I doubt very much that the Estate would openly declare a thing like that. This is the silliest thing they could ever do, and they are no fools.

    Whoever did it to TeamMichaelJackson they knew perfectly well that Taaj would eventually disclose the identity of the author of that takedown notice which she received. It seems that those who designed this scheme wanted people to know (or think) that it is the Estate’s doing.

    And this makes me wonder.

    In any case the future developments will clarify the matter. If it is the Estate they should reveal their identity as now they are supposed to file a lawsuit.

    1) If they do, we will have every reason to believe that they are supporting AEG. Or that they are fools enough to chase Taaj all over the Internet and never think that their actions may be interpreted as AEG’s protection.

    If chasing Taaj is dearer to them than their reputation I for one will consider them complete idiots and will think twice before saying a word of good for them. Whether they turn out to be real supporters of AEG or fools who go after MJ fans never thinking of the consequences does not even matter because both variants are awful.

    2) And if they don’t file a lawsuit TeamMJ’s blog should be back, and this will be a positive result. Some will say that the Estate “got scared” which I personally think impossible, so this outcome will most probably mean that it was a provocation and there are some impostors standing behind it.

    In any case let us wait a bit and see how it turns out without passing the final judgment at this stage.


  84. ettelra permalink
    November 26, 2013 8:21 am

    I have already saved this information just in case. Thank you Taaj and Helena for seeking thr truth! In my opinion, I think Branca is using bullies to intimidate Taaj again. How terrible do you have to be to try and torment someone who just came out of surgery? Disgusting!


  85. November 26, 2013 6:30 am

    “You will be there” – We will be there FOREVER!!
    Thanks Helen All Time.


  86. Annonymous permalink
    November 26, 2013 4:05 am

    Another shocker, TMJ has NO information but blogs, All other is embedded. This attack on Taaj is personal because she is effective!

    WebSheriff files 3 Copyright complaints with YT for YT to permanently close a account.
    Web Sheriff filed three CR against Tajj knowing her account will be terminated>

    Her YT account was terminated prior to her blog. ~ W

    Thank you Helen


  87. Annonymous permalink
    November 26, 2013 3:57 am

    Jackson vs AEG


  88. Nan permalink
    November 26, 2013 12:42 am

    Linda this is the article about Phillips,0,5639472.story#axzz2lj9UQGQZ

    the boycott conrad murray fb page has stuff about interviews, that wont give the sites the traffic.
    He is garbage and is throwing MJ under the bus , but I did catch his remarks about MJ finances and that infamous remark about the Popsicles and stuff which would go to Phillips bullying tactics.
    Murray is a sociopath, and feels no responsibility what so ever , just fair warning


  89. Linda permalink
    November 26, 2013 12:07 am

    Wow, Nan, you just gave some info I hadn’t heard about. I knew Murray was getting out, but didn’t know about an interview. I keep waiting for him to start talking and tell us something important. I didn’t know about Phillips parting with AEG either. Again, interesting timing with him looking so bad in the trial, AND Murray getting out of jail. can’t wait to learn more about this.


  90. jolie permalink
    November 25, 2013 11:54 pm

    I must say I was dumbfounded that TeamMichaelJackson (TMJ) was suspended. Like Nan, I also was just about to access a deposition via TMJ, only to find out that it was gone. How’s that for freedom of speech??? Yeah, the internet is great, but material can be wiped out in a second, never to return again. Makes me shudder. So much blood, sweat and tears have been shed in compiling research on vindicating Michael Jackson. And for the past two years I have seen research, little by little, disappear from the internet, disappear from YouTube, etc, etc. And Michael Jackson freedom fighters being tarred, feathered, bullied, and slandered. And the war is still being fought. And we are not always sure who the enemies are…guerilla warfare.

    Thank you Helena for writing this blog re TMJ and attempting to put light on the matter (for Taaj). A very important matter. Two especially striking points that you made:

    1 “And now comes the biggest surprise of it all and it is the name of the client who allegedly approached the Agent to make a takedown notice to remove these materials as theirs and who allegedly claimed to be the “right owners” of them.
    And the name is ….. Sony/ Epic/the Estate of Michael Jackson.”


    2) “Please copy this information and take it further because I am absolutely not sure that tomorrow this blog will still be alive and will not be accused of something similar too.”

    These two statements sent me into several mock silent screams.


  91. November 25, 2013 11:43 pm

    I hope you can see the pic, @Vindicatemj! Just a comment… I know it cause I was in Panish website for those days! The other pic is actual and you can check it in the website pointed down and with that number of case!


  92. Nan permalink
    November 25, 2013 10:19 pm

    I saw something about that site being suspended and was disappointed because I wanted to go over the transcripts regarding MJ med stuff from 93.
    Interesting that Randy Philips is now parting ways with AEG just as Murray gets out of jail and begins to talk..He had said in some interview about him being “informed” MJ was in 40 million debt and couldnt afford Popsicle and TP. I remember Phikllips being asked about that as I recall, but of course we can only go to his testimony at Murrays trial now which Chernoff asks him some interesting questions, but gets shut down
    At any rate, Murray was saying some of that on an English show.
    I wonder if someone doesnt want people to be able to compare what Murray is saying to what was said in court.
    Plus Phillips is probably out looking for a new position if he had a parting of the way s with AEG , and of course they all looked bad in the depositions..
    What strange stuff happening


  93. Mariam permalink
    November 25, 2013 8:12 pm

    I was wondering Why? Who did that? Helena you are absolutely incredible. Helena, I really thank you for standing beside TMJ. As MJ fan and family, we have to give hand or support each other and also needs to seek God helps too. I remember MJ word he used on one of his speech “oneness” because; when it comes MJ the battle is not easy and his enemy is intimidating.

    I am praying if God interfere and help you. It is not easy. I love that team because they are truly, truly stand boldly for MJ. The site is very informative and valuable; it helps me greatly throughout the trial to get all info.

    My prayer will be with Taaj and you and hope we will see the site again


  94. November 25, 2013 7:27 pm

    Well, Well, Well. So we wait.


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